How to remove fleas in cats with folk remedies? 17 means of effective means and ways to remove fleas in a cat without chemicals


There are many commercial medications available for treating and preventing fleas, but many cat owners rely on natural folk remedies to avoid potential side effects. If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to get fleas in cats, pay attention to this list.

1. How to remove fleas in cats with apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has many uses and is effective in removing allergens that cause itching and rashes. It is unlikely to kill fleas, but it will definitely make them jump from your pet. It cannot be used on open wounds. A diluted mixture of two parts of apple cider vinegar and one part of water can be poured into a spray bottle, or you can dip the comb into a liquid and clean the fleas.

2. Rosemary

Fleas hate rosemary. You can grind the leaves into powder and sprinkle them around the places where your cat sleeps and plays to help him get rid of fleas. It can also be used during washing, this will relieve itching. It is necessary to boil the leaves in water, let the mixture cool and rinse with this pet solution. Rosemary has anti-inflammatory properties that should soothe itching.

3. Aloe vera juice

Aloe vera juice is a natural flea repeller, you can mix it with pepper and apply to cat's hair. Avoid contact with eyes. Aloe vera also has a cooling effect that can soothe and alleviate itching.

4. Citric acid

Citric acid is a natural flea killer, and lemons are full of it. To create a spray that works on even sensitive skin, boil a lemon solution in water and let it brew all night. You can then apply the mixture to your cat’s coat with a spray bottle, but avoid contact with eyes, open wounds and scratches. A glass of lemon juice can also be used in the washing machine when you wash your cat’s bedding to kill all the fleas.

5. Lavender

Lavender has a great effect on humans, but is terrible for fleas. Soak the lavender in water overnight, strain and use the spray liquid on the cat's coat and in the house. Avoid contact with eyes, nose, and mouth.

6. Eucalyptus

It’s best to keep the eucalyptus in the jar out of your cat’s reach and let the fragrance wrap around the house. This will scare away the fleas.

7. Himalayan pink salt

This salt dehydrates fleas and kills them. It is effective for the destruction of any fleas and their eggs remaining in the apartment. You can sprinkle salt on the carpet for a day. You can also use salt water to clean hard surfaces or mix with household cleaners.

8. Diatomaceous earth

Diatomaceous earth is a crushed natural stone formed by petrified algae. Food grade diatomaceous earth is safe for people and pets even when inhaling. Diatomaceous earth can be used outdoors or indoors on dry surfaces. It should be distributed in a thin, even layer and cleaned after two to three days. Do not use it directly on the cat’s coat, as it can dry the skin.

9. Oil him

Many of the essential oils that are effective in controlling pests are not very beneficial for cats. Neem oil is one of the few oils that can be safely used to control fleas. Add a few drops of oil to the water and spray the cat's hair, this will quickly remove fleas.

10. Cedar

Fleas are not known to be big fans of various flavors, including cedar woody fragrance. Placing cedar bark around your cat’s bed will repel pests. And having cedar in your garden will help control the flea population by scaring them away before they can get into your house and your cat.

11. Hydrogen Peroxide

Use this solution, which is found in everyone in the medicine cabinet, to instantly remove all fleas. Begin treatment by lubricating the neck with peroxide, avoiding their faces and heads. It is recommended then to wash the cat.

12. Chamomile

Chamomile is perfect for irritated and itchy skin. Chamomile tea is gentle, but powerful, and safe for use in cats and kittens.

13. Baking soda

One of the most effective means of combating fleas is a vacuum cleaner. It helps get rid of fleas by removing them from the fibers of carpets and furniture. However, there is a way you can increase its effectiveness by using baking soda. Rub soda into carpets and furniture and vacuum clean.

14. Mint and chrysanthemums

There are a number of different plants that repel fleas. Planting these plants around your home in flower pots and flower beds is a great natural home remedy for fleas.

15. Brewer's yeast

Brewer's yeast is a natural flea repeller. Thiamine, which is part of the yeast, is effective. The taste and smell of thiamine repel fleas. Brewer's yeast can be bought at almost any store. It is sold in liquid, powder and flocculent form. A powder form is best for flea control. You can mix it with your cat’s food and use it as an additive, but in this case, the effect will be achieved no earlier than in a month. You can also use the yeast externally by mixing it with water and spraying the coat.

16. How to remove fleas in cats with spices

Although you won't find anything in your spice cabinet, which is the natural killer of fleas for cats, there are a few things that will serve as a natural flea repellent for cats.

· Garlic powder - a wonderful repellent. The smell of garlic is eliminated through your cat's skin. Add 1/8 teaspoon of garlic powder to your cat’s food. However, do not use more than the indicated amount, it can be toxic.

· Caraway It works just like garlic powder, but is completely safe and toxic. Just mix some spice into your pet's food.

17. Oregano oil

Oregano oil contains a chemical called carvacrol. It is a natural antiseptic that kills both fleas and germs. Mix one teaspoon of oil with three teaspoons of olive oil and apply the resulting liquid to your cat’s ears, skin and coat with a cotton pad.

Treating your cat with home remedies can be a simple but powerful way to rid your cat and your home of fleas. Using these medicines will provide gentle and safe ways to get rid of them without using harsh, irritating chemicals.


Watch the video: How to Get Rid of Fleas Guaranteed 4 Easy Steps (June 2024).