All about the fermented milk benefits of Tan. What is the drink of youth and longevity useful for weight loss


Sour milk drink tan has unusual taste and many beneficial properties. Tang is a real find for fans of a healthy lifestyle and those who want to lose weight.

What you need to know about the effect of the composition of the tan on its benefit and on the characteristics of the drink

Historians of everyday life say that once camel’s and buffalo’s milk was taken for tan, but today tan is often made from cow’s or goat’s milk.

The lands of the origin of tan are considered to be the modern territories of Georgia and Armenia.

In them, tan has always been considered not only a delicious drink, but also a means of prolonging youth and achieving longevity with maximum preservation of physical health.

To prepare a tan, milk is combined with sourdough and after some time the drink is diluted with salted water (or water is poured and table salt is added).

Despite the fact that homemade tan recipes are not uncommon, in reality, it is unrealistic to get an original drink in your kitchen without a special sourdough - yogurt (reminds yogurt).

Tang is a unique drink, but sometimes there is confusion between it and Ayran, although, in fact, they have more differences than similarities:

· Ayran consistency can be liquid or thick sour cream, tan - always a drinking product;

· Only for tana use yogurt as a sourdough;

· Tan has a much richer, more salty taste, and instead of fruit it is better combined with greens and grated fresh cucumbers;

· Water is added to ayran at will, to tan - always, and it can be either simple or carbonated.

You can just drink Tan, cook okroshka and sauces with it, add to the dough (replacing kefir or yogurt). Meat marinated in tan (including for barbecue) acquires special tenderness and retains juiciness even with prolonged frying or baking.

Since tan is a rather salty drink, in the days of its use in large quantities, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids (preferably plain water, green and herbal tea are also allowed) and reduce the use of salt in other foods.

To benefit from this drink, it is not necessary to drink it in a long course - 2 weeks will be quite enough both to improve overall well-being (including normalization of sleep) and to noticeably improve health.

After, you can return to Tan after 8-10 days for 5-7 days, to consolidate its effects.

Like all sour-milk products, tan is an excellent source of calcium, and although most of it is concentrated in bones and teeth, it is also necessary for the health of the nervous system.

In addition to him, the tan contains:

· Magnesium - to convert carbohydrates (sugar) into energy and prevent the formation of kidney stones;

Vitamin K - for normal blood coagulation;

Potassium - for the transmission of nerve impulses and a sufficient supply of oxygen to the brain;

· Vitamin PP - to maintain normal hormonal levels and neutralize toxic substances received in the body;

· Phosphorus - for carbohydrate metabolism and the prevention of arthritis;

Vitamin A - for good vision and slow down the aging process.

Since the proteins in the tan are initially in a partially broken state (which is usually the case with fermented milk products), they are more quickly and fully absorbed in comparison with proteins from milk.

And they are actively used by the body both for simple cell renewal and for the regeneration of damaged (including as a result of diseases) tissues.

In the complex, these substances, plus lactic acids, contribute to the health of the skin, depriving it of such imperfections as inflamed rashes, dryness with peeling and a greasy shine.

What can be said about the use of tan for a slim figure

The energy value of tan is low - 22-30 kcal per 100 ml, which, taking into account the recommended rate of drink per day (up to 700 ml), completely eliminates the risks of getting better because of it, because it is unlikely to drink more than 200 kcal.

Tang is considered one of the best fermented milk products for fasting days and a diet designed to lose weight.

True, it is worth considering that tan does not contribute to a decrease in appetite, rather, on the contrary, it excites it, but it can also be used to good effect - in the end, after a tan vitamin vegetable salad or steamed chicken breast will seem more delicious.

Also, in relation to the digestive system, the drink:

· Accelerates the breakdown of food (and especially fats);

· Normalizes the production of gastric juice (this affects its quantity and acidity level);

· Heals intestinal microflora.

Naturally, all this cannot but benefit in combination with a well-thought-out diet.

Tang, drunk on the days of fitness training, has an invigorating effect, increases muscle tone and relieves muscle fatigue and general fatigue after exercise.

How else is the use of tan

In the summer heat, the tan remarkably quenches thirst (to enhance the effect, you can throw ice cubes into a glass) and prevents dehydration of the body.

With colds and viral diseases (ARI), it is useful to drink tan slightly warmed up, you can - with the addition of honey. The drink will help relieve headaches and symptoms of fever, reduce swelling in the throat and facilitate breathing (by suppressing inflammatory processes in the respiratory system).

Thanks to tan, you can significantly reduce the risks of complications for internal organs after the flu.

Considerable benefits from drinking tan can be derived for the kidneys, resulting in:

· The risks of developing their diseases as a result of hypothermia are reduced;

· Accelerates the withdrawal of excess fluid.

Along with the tan, quite a lot of substances enter the body to improve the functioning of the heart, normalize its rhythm and even prevent a heart attack.

When you use tana soon after sweets, it is able to slow down the process of increasing glucose in the blood.

Also, regular use of tan contributes to:

· Strengthening the body's natural defenses;

· Improvement of blood formation;

· The conclusion of "bad" cholesterol (which prevents the development of atherosclerosis);

· Improving blood circulation;

· Improve liver function;

· Quick jointing of fractures;

· Reduce the manifestations of toxicosis during pregnancy.

In addition, thanks to tan, it is possible to alleviate the manifestations of a hangover syndrome and accelerate the elimination of substances poisoning it as a result of excessive alcohol consumption.

What is the harm of tana

The high salt content makes tan not the best drink in the following cases:


Chronic kidney disease;

Increased acidity of the stomach.

Due to its diuretic properties, it is not recommended to drink it at night to avoid discomfort and harm to the tan for sound sleep.

An open store tan or a drink prepared according to a home recipe, in order to avoid harm from the tan for the gastrointestinal tract, should be drunk (used in any dishes) during the day before the beneficial microorganisms are replaced with far from useful bacteria.

After consuming tan, it is recommended not to confine yourself to chewing gum, but to rinse your mouth well with water - salt and the specificity of the sour-milk composition can trigger a deterioration in the condition of tooth enamel and gums.

It is not recommended to lower the digestibility of the tan by combining it with products such as chocolate and fresh pastry.


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