How to quickly cure a dry cough? Top best dry cough remedies for adults and children


Coughing is a sign of many pathological conditions that brings continuous discomfort. Cough may be accompanied by allergies, rhinitis, colds. No matter what the reason for this symptom, the body needs help. Below is a rating of the best remedies for dry cough, but only your doctor can prescribe medications!


Ambroxol is an effective mucolytic agent, which is often prescribed for a productive cough and colds. The drug helps sputum to move away as soon as possible, treats acute and chronic bronchitis. This medication can be combined with a number of other drugs, enhancing the effectiveness of antibacterial and antiflogistic therapy.

This tool is absolutely harmless, so it can easily be assigned to babies. The advantages of the medicine include:

• quick action of the drug;

• inexpensive tool;

• no narcotic effect, not addictive.

But after therapy, allergic reactions may occur.


ACC is characterized by a pronounced mucolytic effect. The drug is very effective and harmless in the treatment of ailments of the bronchopulmonary system, nasopharynx and oral cavity. The drug is characterized by the following actions:

• antiflogistic;

• antitussive.

This product actively dilutes sputum. The drug is granular for the preparation of syrup with orange flavor. Also available in tablet form. It is forbidden to use when carrying a baby and, with extreme caution, carry out therapies while breastfeeding. In order to avoid stagnation in the airways, the drug cannot be combined with paracetamol and other antitussive drugs. An allergic reaction may occur after administration.


This line of tools is very effective. The composition includes basil, licorice, elecampane and other components. Pastilles help with dry cough and sore throat. An amazing combination of herbs helps to eliminate the island-inflammatory process and sore throat. It is recommended to dissolve the medicine in one lozenge every 2 hours. Used tool since 14 years.

Syrup helps cleanse the bronchi and acts as a preventive drug. The composition contains 10 medicinal herbs. It is allowed to use for children from three years. Dry cough ointment is applied to the back and chest. Due to its unique composition, the drug is absolutely harmless to health. But the medicine in the form of ointment is forbidden to use at high temperature.

The pluses include:

• pleasant aftertaste;

• normal price;

• long-term use is permitted;

• softens cough.

After administration, allergic reactions may occur.


This antitussive and antiseptic agent helps to cope with an unproductive cough and relieve the island-inflammatory process. Tablets are allowed to dissolve up to ten times a day, but under the supervision of a specialist. It is forbidden to give medicine to children under four years of age.

After taking the drug, it is not recommended to eat food and drink liquid. This will lower the effectiveness of the drug. You can not use the drug for therapy for a long time. Also, the product is characterized by a disinfecting property. But it is strictly forbidden to conduct therapy in pregnant and lactating mothers.


It is the best remedy for dry cough. This is a combined syrup that has a very pleasant caramel flavor. It is characterized by a complex effect, as it promotes the transition of dry cough to wet, helps to remove sputum, eliminates the island-inflammatory process and relieves swelling of the mucous membrane.

After taking the drug, usually no side reactions occur. It can be easily used in therapy with other drugs. It is also indicated for children of any age. Ethyl alcohol is observed in the composition; therefore, it is not recommended to carry out therapy during pregnancy and lactation.


A drug whose action is aimed at combating dry cough. It is possible to use both adults and children. Helps thin the sputum and is characterized by antiflogistic effects. After taking, the cough reflex is suppressed and the sensitivity of the cough receptor decreases. With special caution, it is necessary to give a remedy to very young children.

The pluses include:

• the drug can be used for diseases of the respiratory system at any stage;

• not addictive;

• struggles with a painful cough.

In the composition, sucrose is observed, and can also provoke allergic reactions.


This is a medicinal product, available in the form of a syrup. The tool has a very deep antitussive and antiflogistic effects. The medicine does not harm health and alleviates the condition very quickly. It can be used to treat babies from three years old.

The composition contains basil oil, which expands the bronchi and stimulates respiration. After administration, it has an antispasmodic and antimicrobial effect. It should not be treated during pregnancy and lactation. After administration, such a negative reaction as insomnia may occur. Long-term administration of the drug is also undesirable.

Codelac Fito

The drug is made in the form of syrup and elixir. This is a combined antitussive medication. It contains only natural ingredients that have an expectorant effect. The drug is forbidden to be given to children under two years of age, with bronchial asthma, when carrying a baby and breastfeeding, excessive sensitivity to the components in the composition.

After taking the drug, third-party reactions such as headaches, vomiting, nausea, drowsiness, and constipation may occur. With prolonged therapy, addiction to the active component may develop.


Watch the video: Dry Cough - How to Get Rid of Cure Dry Cough Fast - Dry Cough Treatment (July 2024).