How to use feng shui in the process of losing weight?


What do we know about feng shui? That, following this ancient Chinese teaching, we can “bring” prosperity to the house, love to the family, and money to the wallet. But it turns out that feng shui helps in our difficult business - losing weight!

This is only for us, inexperienced Europeans, it seems that there is no connection between the interior of the apartment and the weight of its owner. A native of China or Japan is convinced: in what conditions a person lives, with what things he surrounds himself, so he looks. And the correct arrangement of the table in the kitchen or the color of the curtains in the living room is no less important than a balanced diet and a visit to the gym. Well, let's try the advice of the ancient sages, among whom there were very few full people.

Stage One. Down with the rubble!

The excess weight, the followers of Feng Shui are sure, is a signal that a lot of excess has accumulated in a person’s life - things, objects, thoughts, efforts. They take away most of his strength and prevent him from taking care of himself. It is impossible to become slim and light in a cluttered house with "stagnant" energy! So, in order to lose weight, you need to get rid of everything unnecessary. And no excuses! If you do not have time to clean your own apartment, you are unlikely to find time for diet food. So, let's take the big boxes and start to put in them everything that once was just necessary, but now lies dead weight in the far corners.

Note: any items that you have not used in the past year are considered unnecessary.

If you are honest with yourself, you yourself will be surprised; how quickly the boxes will fill with old magazines, postcards, expired cosmetics and medicines, old-fashioned shoes, dusty toys, dishes with chips and broken jewelry. Particularly ruthlessly should deal with the things that you keep "just in case", "for a rainy day" and, of course, "when I lose weight." Want to get rid of extra pounds? Throw away one unnecessary thing daily. Instead of a heap of rags, it is better to buy one blouse and one pants that will fit right now. Things that bring joy and love radiate this energy around.

Stage Two. Choose a diet

Like it or not, we can’t do without a balanced diet. Fortunately, Feng Shui followers do not urge us to starve for weeks or sit on half-baked rice with seaweed.

It is much more reasonable, they believe, to adjust their diet in accordance with the date of birth.

So, Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo most needed sources of calcium and protein for bones. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, are engaged in mental activity, and therefore products that stimulate the work of the brain and nervous system always prevail on their table.

Achilles' heel Aries, Lviv and Sagittarius - metabolic and circulatory system.
But Pisces, Crayfish and Scorpions - often complain of the digestive system and excretory system.

Stage Three. The spirit of success

Not a single oriental practice can do without an emphasis on the right psychological attitude. Feng Shui followers believe that the result of our efforts is 80% dependent on self-confidence and ability to achieve the goal.

You can attract success with the help of positive statements - “affirmations”.

Our brain is structured so that if we hear a thesis quite often, then we begin to perceive it as the truth and gradually “adjust” our life to it. Write a few “truths” on paper and read them several times a day. Statements can be any, but necessarily positive.

For example, “my weight is melting day by day”, “with every kilogram I lose, I become younger”, “with every day I become more perfect and more desirable”, etc.

If you repeat these phrases as often as possible, soon everything that you have written and desired will begin to be implemented. So say the followers of fznshui - a doctrine that has existed for several thousand years.


Watch the video: How to lose weight without diets using of feng shui (June 2024).