Animal fat provokes cancer


Australian scientists have discovered a new property of "bad" cholesterol. If earlier this type of cholesterol was associated with the development of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, today its direct connection with the development of cancer has been revealed.

During the study, scientists found that "bad" cholesterol plays a key role in the spread of cancer cells in the body - metastasis. It governs the state of small vessels throughout the body. On the surface of such vessels there are sticky proteins called "integrins". It is to them that the cancer cells adhere, which are detached from the tumor.

At the same time, with a high level of "good" cholesterol, integrins do not come to the surface, adhesion does not occur, and mutated cells cannot be fixed in the body. Therefore, the control of cholesterol - "good" and "bad" - is so important for the preservation of human life.

Cholesterol performs a number of key functions, primarily the formation of hormones and the maintenance of cellular balance. In our body, it moves in the composition of lipoprotein molecules. Such a molecule consists mainly of fat and protein.

However, the kind of fat that is part of this molecule determines whether it will benefit or harm the body. If these are animal lipids, the "bad" LDL cholesterol is formed. If the composition of plant lipids is “good” HDL.

Food quality directly affects the quality of cholesterol in our body. "Bad cholesterol" begins to form if there are animal fats in our diet. They are contained in abundance not only in fast food, but also are the basis of traditional Russian food: red meat, sausages. The maximum amount of "bad" cholesterol is synthesized in the body through the consumption of butter - fat concentrate, milk with a high percentage of fat, all other fatty dairy products.

An excess of "bad" cholesterol in the body of the average Russian accumulates, even if he avoids fast food products. Despite the growing number of fast-food restaurants, the consumption of such products in Russia is still far from American and European in volume. The sickness fund is replenished precisely due to a misconception about what the everyday household diet should be: in Russia it is based on the hyper-consumption of animal fat, in particular, the daily consumption of fatty dairy products and red meat.

At the same time, there is an obvious lack of vegetable fats in the diet, as well as vegetables and fruits containing dietary fiber necessary for cleansing the body.

The pledge of health for the modern Russian today is an understanding of the basic principles of nutrition in everyday life: reducing the consumption of animal fats, regular consumption of vegetable fats and fish oils - their composition is fundamentally different from "meat" and "milk". Also, the pyramid of proper nutrition should be based on vegetables, fruits, nuts and whole grains.


Watch the video: MEAT AND DAIRY CAUSE CANCER - Dr T. Colin Campbell's "The China Study". LIVEKINDLY (June 2024).