How to join the team: a few useful tips


Almost every person in his life had to quit and move to another job. And, of course, it happened to adapt to the new team. Some, more courageous, adapt to unusual conditions quickly, others, shy and critically perceiving any remark, more slowly. How to build relationships more correctly so that the new team does not take the novice hostile?

How to join the new team?

First, you should work on yourself, treating others only positively. The new activity should highlight all the positive things that can be found.

  • After the first days spent at work, it is necessary to make an analysis of the relationship with colleagues that took place, to analyze mistakes and failures.
  • Do not talk about your previous job in a negative way, so as not to arouse hostility. The reason for dismissal try to present in a positive way.
  • It is necessary to show oneself as a decent and supportive person, completely non-conflict and able to find a compromise solution in controversial issues.
  • You need to be organized, collected, punctual, keep up with colleagues, do not be late for work.
  • Do not flaunt their outstanding abilities. This may not please the staff.
  • You should not refuse to attend general holiday events, especially at the beginning of your work in this team.
  • The workplace should maintain order, cleanliness. This will only emphasize your accuracy, concentration and responsibility.
  • The first time will have to work hard. This will help to quickly get used to the new environment.
  • It is necessary to put business relationships on the foreground, you should forget about personal connections. It is necessary to interact with colleagues, keeping a clear distance.

Basic techniques and methods of merging a novice with a team

  • Having appeared on absolutely new work, it is necessary to merge as if with this collective, to become its integral part. It is necessary to adhere to the rules established in it, to work reasonably and efficiently, to be benevolent, sensitive, courteous, supportive, delicate.
  • It is necessary to gradually establish a good relationship with people from the new team, do not put pressure on them and behave naturally.
  • It is necessary to openly, sincerely go to meet the events happening around.
  • Do not lag behind colleagues.
  • It is not recommended to unnecessarily criticize other people's shortcomings and miscalculations, as well as openly demonstrate their own merits. Do not argue and discuss colleagues.
  • Offering your help to employees, you need to do it subtly and tactfully so as not to harm the interests of people.

Entering into a new team, it is necessary at first to analyze their actions and actions, focus on the shortcomings. It should be open, easy to communicate, have a positive attitude to new people. All of these tips will help to break the ice in the hearts of colleagues and quickly adapt to new conditions.


Watch the video: Learn how to manage people and be a better leader (June 2024).