The first donor milk bank opened in Russia


Recently, the first donor milk bank in Russia was opened on the basis of the Moscow Scientific Center for Children's Health. It is assumed that nursing mothers will act as donors, and their "clients" will be premature newborns and babies, as well as babies suffering from severe indigestion and allergies. If this enterprise is successful, the opening of such banks will be launched throughout the country.

The discovery of a donor milk bank in Russia by officials from healthcare prompted successful foreign experience. In European countries, 203 such banks are united in a special association. The president of this organization is convinced that the importance of a milk donor bank can be compared with blood donation and internal organs. Feeding babies with breast milk is a guarantee of their health and normal development, because no matter how high quality modern milk formulas are, they can never replace real milk.

It is planned that donors will be nursing volunteer mothers who have undergone a special medical commission. Candidates will need to talk about their lifestyle, diet, history of diseases. After a thorough check, the milk will be pasteurized.


Watch the video: 'Sperm Extractor' Machine Replicates Human Vagina for Donors. NowThis (June 2024).