Why a headache in the back of my head hurts: a hundred possible diagnoses! How to identify the cause and get rid of a headache in the back of the head?


In the modern world, which is characterized mainly sedentary lifestyle, high levels of stress, chronic sleep deprivation, pain in the back of the head closely associated in our lives.

It can be of different intensity and character, it can last constantly or arise under certain circumstances. It is necessary to understand why a headache in the back of my head hurts, about the development of which diseases this indicates, what methods can be used to diagnose the cause, get acquainted with the principles of treatment and prevention.

Basic reasons: why a headache in the back of my head hurts

Consider a number of diseases and try to understand why a headache in the back of the head in patients with these pathological conditions:

1. Diseases of the spine in the cervical spine (osteochondrosis, cervical spondylosis).

Damage to the intervertebral discs, which occurs with cervical osteochondrosis, leads to deformation and compression of blood vessels and nerves. Therefore, pain occurs in the back of the head with the transition to the neck, often spreading to the upper back and shoulders. The patient notes that bending the head and moving the arms intensifies the pain. In advanced cases, vertebrobasilar syndrome develops. Evidence of its appearance is dizziness, reduced quality of hearing and vision, tinnitus, impaired spatial coordination.

Osteochondrosis can cause cervical migraine. The pain arises in the nape from the right or from the left side and passes to the temporal and / or supraorbital zones. Such symptoms should be a signal to the patient about the need to seek medical advice.

Degenerative changes in the ligaments of the spine with the formation of bone growths is characteristic of cervical spondylosis. To its distinctive feature can be attributed stiffness of movements. Such "thorns" put pressure on the vessels and nerves, so the disease is accompanied by prolonged or constant pain. Head movements exacerbate pain, disturbed sleep.

2. High blood pressure, as a manifestation of hypertension, it manifests itself with morning pain in the back of the head, it becomes more intense when bending and is combined with a feeling of heaviness in the head, dizziness. Relief occurs after vomiting.

3. Pathology of the muscles of the cervical spine (myositis, miogeloz).

Hypothermia or injury can cause inflammation of the muscles of the neck - cervical myositis. Its feature is a sharp and burning pain in the neck, which passes to the back of the head and interscapular region. It appears and increases with movement.

The appearance of miogeloza provoke improper posture, muscle strain or stay in a draft. On the neck muscles there are painful seals that manifest pain in the neck and neck, head movements become constrained, the blood supply to the brain is disturbed and, as a result, dizziness.

4. Neuralgia of the cervical spine occurs after hypothermia, often accompanied by osteochondrosis. The pain has a sharp, burning, paroxysmal character, mainly localized on the neck and nape, gives to the scalp and increases with coughing and movement.

5. Forced and uncomfortable posture when performing professional activities (in office workers, drivers) provokes muscle tension and the appearance of long and dull pain. Rubbing the neck and the cervical spine, light physical activity helps to reduce or relieve pain.

6. Damage of the temporomandibular joints and improper bite - manifested by pain in the back of the head, the parotid area and the ear, has a dull character, increases in the evening and can last for several days. A distinctive symptom is a click when opening the mouth.

7. Excessive emotional and physical stress especially in weather sensitive people. Heavy physical work or excessive moral pressure causes a feeling of heaviness and goosebumps in the neck and forehead.

8. Vascular diseases (atherosclerosis), which are accompanied by spasm and narrowing of the lumen of the vein or artery, cause stagnation of blood and increased intracranial pressure.

Why a headache in the back of my head hurts: diagnostic methods

If a person has isolated cases of pain in the back of the head, they can be explained by prolonged forced posture, sleep on a firm basis, hunger, smoking or stress, then you should not worry.

With the appearance of frequent and prolonged pain in the back of the head, one should not self-medicate, but turn to the therapist for a diagnosis.

At the first stage it is necessary to interview the patient and compile a history of the disease (profession, stress). It is important to find out the nature of the pain (acute or dull, aching or throbbing, temporary or permanent) and localization (occipital region or neck) and spread when it increases (tilts or movements) and what helps to muffle it (after vomiting for hypertension) in order to identify the damaged place (muscle, blood vessels or nerve fibers of the neck).

On examination, the doctor determines the presence or absence of stiffness, bone growths or muscle painful formation. Requests to open the patient's mouth - to identify clicks characteristic of the violation of bite.

From laboratory methods conduct a complete blood count to determine the inflammatory process and lipid profile (the presence of atherosclerosis).

Instrumental methods Studies of why a headache in the back of the head include:

• pressure measurement for the diagnosis of hypertension;

• radiography of the cervical spine determines the presence of osteochondrosis or injury, intervertebral disc deformities, vasoconstriction, bone growths;

• Dopplerography of cerebral vessels reveals vascular pathology;

• magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the head and neck to diagnose occipital neuralgia.

It is also important to consult with a neurologist.

Ways to treat a condition when a headache in the back of your head hurts

At home with the first appearance of pain in the back of the head should apply such measures:

1. to provide access to fresh air and free the neck from tight clothing;

2. drink sweet hot tea and not be stressed out;

3. Massage the neck, occipital part of the head and shoulders and make several light movements with the head;

4. if possible, take a lying position.

In cases of frequent and repetitive pain in the back of the head, after diagnosis, the doctor prescribes therapy.

The main methods of treatment that will help solve the problem - a headache in the back of my head, include:

1. sessions of massage and manual therapy - movements should be light to relieve tension from the neck and back, improve blood flow through the vessels and reduce increased intracranial pressure. An intense and hard massage can make the patient worse.

Important: for hypertension and spondylosis, massage is contraindicated.

2. physiotherapy includes electrophoresis, ultrasound therapy, magnetic therapy and is used for osteochondrosis, myogelosis, vascular pain, damage to nerve fibers (occipital nerve neuralgia) and increased intracranial pressure.

3. physiotherapy - select a set of exercises to reduce and relieve tension in the muscles of the neck. A simple exercise - in a sitting position with a flat back to tilt your head forward and allow it to sink under its own weight to the feeling of stretching the muscles of the back of the neck. After 15-20 seconds, when the muscles stretch to the maximum, gently and very slowly raise the head. For the same amount of time (15-20 sec) we hold our head, and then lower it again. It is necessary to carry out several approaches to improve the state.

Important: physiotherapy has its contraindications. You can not exercise when the head pain in the back of the head is combined with dizziness and nausea. It is forbidden to throw back the head and carry out circular movements.

4. Acupuncture - effective in osteochondrosis, neuralgia of the occipital nerve and stress.

5. Drug therapy - with significant pain syndrome, the doctor prescribes analgesics.

6. Aromatherapy - Jasmine and lavender oils help to relax, reduce vasospasm and soothe.

Headache in the back of my head hurts: folk remedies

For mild headaches in the back of my head, use traditional medicine recipes:

1. cabbage leaf (previously dented) put on the back of the head and neck. In the form of compresses are also used from chopped horseradish or onions;

2. linden flower tea or several herbs (sage, mint, and meadowsweet) help relieve tension and pain;

3. decoction or tea from the hips - eliminates the narrowing of blood vessels, slightly reduces the pressure due to the diuretic action;

4. infusion of valerian - has a calming and light analgesic effect, makes a person more resistant to stress, improves sleep;

5. self heat effect - rub the palms of both hands together until a sensation of heat appears and put the left hand on the forehead and the right hand on the back of the head and hold it for several minutes.

Prevention methods when a headache in the back of the head

The main ways to prevent pain in the back of the head include:

1. lifestyle correction - rational alternation of work and rest, proper sleep;

2. proper nutritionenriched with herbs, fresh vegetables and fruits for the prevention of hypertension, osteochondrosis, etc .;

3. playing sportsincluding morning exercises;

4. computer safety - every hour for 15 minutes, combining with physical activity and exercises for the eyes (turn your eyes to distant and close objects alternately) to prevent blood stasis;

5. minimize the use of alcohol, caffeine and nicotine, they aggravate the feeling of stress;

6. patients with hypertension and patients with risk groups (obesity, thyroid diseases) perform pressure control measurements and monitor indicators;

7. Persons whose professions are associated with a long stay in an uncomfortable position and with sedentary work should be 2 times a year. take a massage course to prevent damage to the spine and its muscles.

8. Women are not recommended to frequently tie their hair in a tight tail at the back of the head.

Thus, there are many answers to the question “why does a headache in the back of my head hurt” and they can serve as the first manifestation of a serious illness.

Single pains disappear after simple rules of prevention.

If the pain recurs, massage and traditional medicine do not help, you need to determine the cause and cure, and not delaying with self-treatment.


Watch the video: What are the causes of headaches ? Health Channel (June 2024).