Homemade liver sausage - no chemistry! Homemade liver sausage recipes with bacon, buckwheat, semolina, vegetables


Why not cook from the liver! Fritters, cakes, salads. It can be stewed, fried, baked, and also make wonderful sausage. And not a single purchased product can be compared in taste and composition with a home product. You can add a wide variety of spices, vegetables, cereals to it and cook to your taste. And because of the low cost of the liver, the price of home-made sausage is very nice. Will we cook?

Home-made liver sausage - general principles of preparation

For sausage, you can use any liver. Thanks to the addition of spices and fats, the product is juicy, tender. Before cooking, you need to wash the liver, remove the films, then cut into pieces and grind. For fat, lard is often added, which can also be twisted or just finely chopped. For juicy onions, other vegetables can be added.

To thicken the mass, eggs, semolina, flour, and starch are added to the liver. And to make the taste more tender, you can pour a little milk or cream. There is no restriction on the type and quantity of spices. Add to your taste. The liver combines wonderfully with various types of pepper, garlic, paprika, marjoram, turmeric.

What is stuffed with minced meat:

• natural guts;

• artificial shells.

You can start with just a small spoon, but it is much more convenient to use a special nozzle in the form of a nose for a meat grinder.

Increasingly, housewives are savvy and use improvised materials for making sausages: bags, a baking sleeve, foil, and even silicone molds. The stuffed products are boiled in water, baked or fried. Sometimes several cooking methods are used simultaneously. For example, sausages are boiled, and then fried in a pan or grill.

Recipe 1: Home-made liver sausage with bacon

To make homemade liver sausage according to this recipe, you will need fresh pork lard. It will make the product tender, add the missing fat content. You will also need natural guts or artificial shells. Sausage is baked in the oven.


• 500 grams of any liver;

• 300 grams of fat;

• 100 grams of milk;

• 3 onions;

• 3 eggs;

• spices;

• some oil;

• 60 grams of semolina.


1. Cut half the fat into small cubes. To make it easier to do this, you need to hold a piece in the freezer.

2. Pass the remaining fat and liver through a meat grinder.

3. Finely chop the onion and fry in a pan until golden brown. Add to the rest of the ingredients.

4. Add raw eggs. To make it easier to stir, you can beat with a fork in a separate bowl.

5. Pour semolina, put salt, milk, any spices and let the mince stand for half an hour.

6. We tie the gut on one side, fill it with minced meat and close the second end.

7. Now lay the liver sausages on a baking sheet and bake until cooked for about 40 minutes. The temperature in the oven is from 170 to 180 degrees.

Recipe 2: Liver home-made sausage "Boiled"

A variant of home-made liver sausage with chicken. Fat is also added, but not in pieces, but everything is crushed with a total mass. Also, shells for filling are required, the thickness does not matter, only affects the cooking time.


• 400 grams of liver;

• 200 grams of chicken;

• 200 grams of fat;

• 1 onion;

• clove of garlic;

• spices;

• 2 eggs;

• 3 tablespoons of starch.


1. We clean the liver from films and veins, cut into pieces. We also cut chicken, lard and peeled onions.

2. We pass all the ingredients through a meat grinder or simply grind with a blender until a homogeneous consistency. Do not forget to chop the clove of garlic, which must be previously peeled.

3. Add starch, eggs, salt, pepper, put any spices. Goes well with the liver, nutmeg, marjoram, turmeric.

4. We begin the shells, tightly knotted on both sides. We pierce each sausage in several places with a needle, we do it carefully so that the shell does not burst.

5. Dip our semi-finished products in a pot of boiling water, cook for 40 minutes. There should be a lot of fluids, sausages should not lie very tightly to each other. They need to be turned over periodically.

6. Take out, cool. If natural casings were used, then sausages can be fried in a pan with the addition of butter.

Recipe 3: Home-made liver sausage in a package

No casings for making homemade liver sausage? It's not a problem! It can be prepared in a bag, and it will in no way yield to the product in the gut, if only in shape. The sausage is thick, as big as a doctor’s.


• 800 grams of liver;

• 250 grams of fat;

• 1/3 cup semolina;

• 100 ml cream;

• spices;

• 1 onion;

• 1 carrot;

• 2 eggs.


1. Cut the fat into cubes, not small. Put in a pan and fry until golden brown. Then remove the pieces, leaving the fat.

2. Chop the peeled carrots, chop the onion and fry them all together in melted fat. It is important that the vegetables are not burnt, but only slightly browned. Turn off.

3. Cut the liver into slices, add the fried vegetables and lard. Grind it all together. We use any convenient method.

4. Add cream, semolina, spices and eggs. We remove the minced meat to the side for 40 minutes so that the cereal is well swollen.

5. We take 2 packages. If you want to make thin sausages, then you can take 4. We spread the minced meat equally, tie it.

6. Take the plastic wrap and wrap the bags in a circle so as to give the workpieces a log shape. Layers can be any number.

7. Put the billets in a pan, fill with water and cook for 50 minutes.

8. We take out, cool, we remove a film, packages and it is possible to take a sample. Keep such a sausage in an airtight container so that the surface does not dry out.

Recipe 4: Home-made “Dietetic” liver sausage with zucchini

A lightweight version of the liver home-made sausage, in which zucchini is used instead of bacon. It can be replaced with pumpkin, Jerusalem artichoke. This sausage can be baked, fried, cooked and even grilled. As a thickener, oatmeal is used.


• 500 grams of liver;

• 200 grams of zucchini;

• 2 eggs;

• 1 onion;

• spices;

• 3 tablespoons of oatmeal.


1. Peel the zucchini, cut into arbitrary slices, finely chop the onion.

2. Pour a spoonful of oil into the pan and lightly fry the vegetables. You can not bring to full readiness. We fry on high heat so that the pieces of zucchini do not have time to let the juice go.

3. Grind the sliced ​​liver and vegetables.

4. Put eggs, spices, oatmeal, mix, let it brew.

5. Fill the shells with the resulting minced meat, firmly knot and cook.

6. Cook such a sausage for 35 minutes. Do not forget to make a few punctures in the shell before cooking to prevent damage. If you need to bake, it will also take about half an hour.

Recipe 5: Home-made liver sausage with buckwheat

The recipe for a budget sausage from the liver. Thanks to the addition of cereals, the yield is large. We use any liver, in this recipe you can even take pork. Buckwheat interrupts a specific bitterness well.


• 600 grams of liver;

• 180 grams of dry buckwheat;

• 200 grams of fat;

• 2 tablespoons of oil;

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• 2 eggs;

• salt;

• black pepper;

• 2-3 onions.


1. Pour washed buckwheat with water, cook friable porridge. Then we cool.

2. Fry chopped onions in a pan.

3. Grind the liver with lard, garlic and sauteed onions.

4. Add spices, raw eggs and knead the minced meat well.

5. Combine with buckwheat porridge.

6. Fill the shells with the resulting minced meat, cook in a pan with water for half an hour. Tasty sausages with thick buckwheat are tastier and more beautiful. Therefore, instead of shells, you can use packages, as in the previous recipe, or use the following option.

Recipe 6: Homemade liver sausage in foil with eggs

To prepare such a liver sausage, quail eggs are required. They will serve as a filling, dilute the liver taste and make the dish interesting when cut. The sausage preparation technique is also different; it will be wrapped in foil.


• 700 grams of liver;

• 300 grams of pork belly;

• 3 tablespoons of soy sauce;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 1 spoon of paprika;

• salt;

• 70 ml of milk or liquid cream;

• 1/3 teaspoon black pepper;

• 5 quail eggs;

• 4 tablespoons of flour.


1. Twist the liver and pork belly, add chopped garlic.

2. In a bowl, mix the eggs, salt, add the cream, paprika, black pepper and beat well with a whisk until the spices dissolve.

3. Pour the aromatic mass into the liver stuffing. Add flour, soy sauce, mix. The mass will turn out to be quite liquid, but it should be so.

4. Boil eggs, peel, no need to cut.

5. Take a piece of foil, tuck the edges up, forming a groove with closed ends.

6. Pour half the minced meat into it, then lay the quail eggs and cover with the remaining mass. We connect the edges, forming the desired shape. If there are concerns about strength, then you can wrap the sausage with another layer of foil.

7. Put the sausage in the oven, bake for 50 minutes at 170 degrees, cool, without removing the foil.

Recipe 7: Home-made liver sausage with meat

A variant of mixed sausage, for which any meat can be used: beef, pork, poultry. But it is better to give preference to fatty pieces. You can add more fat to lean meat.


• 500 grams of meat;

• 500 grams of liver;

• 200 grams of bacon;

• 150 grams of milk;

• 5 spoons of semolina;

• spices;

• 4 eggs;

• 2 onions.


1. Pour semolina with milk, let it brew while we are doing minced meat.

2. Fry chopped onions in a pan.

3. Grind the meat with the liver.

4. Finely chop the fat.

5. Combine minced meat with fried onions, chopped lard, add eggs and swollen semolina. Mix well, salt, pepper.

6. Fill the shells with the prepared minced meat, tightly tie the ends and send to cook for 70 minutes. At will, the sausage can be fried.

Homemade liver sausage - useful tips and tricks

• To remove unpleasant bitterness from pork liver, you can simply cut the product into slices and soak in raw milk. And to give the product a more pleasant taste, you can add a spoonful of sugar when soaking.

• To prevent the sausage from turning over during cooking, you can put a smaller diameter lid in the pan. She will crush the product and it will not float to the surface.

• In the liver sausage, you can add not only buckwheat, but also rice. It also needs to be boiled beforehand. For a kilogram of ground meat, 100 grams of dry cereal is enough.

• Liver sausage can be prepared for future use. You can just freeze the casings stuffed with minced meat in the chamber. Or boil the sausage, seal it tightly and also put it in the freezer. Then it remains only to fry the product in a pan or bake until golden brown in the oven.


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