Is ginger tea beneficial or unhealthy? The benefits and harms of ginger tea for children, pregnant and losing weight


Ginger ("horned root", "white root") is a perennial herb, native to South Asia.

Its healing properties have been known for a long time.

In the Middle Ages, the "horned root" was considered the main tool for the prevention of plague and it was very expensive, because the merchants said that they were taking it from the ends of the world, from the country of troglodytes.

Ginger is popular today. It is used not only for preparing various dishes, but also for brewing healthy and aromatic tea.

The inhabitants of the Ancient East were sure ginger tea warms up blood. As a result, the metabolism of substances is accelerated, the work of internal organs improves, the body is cleansed of toxins and slag, overall health is improved, and the human body mass returns to normal.

How to make ginger tea for your health

There are several ways to brew tea with ginger.

Classic Ginger Tea prepared at the rate of 200 ml of water, 1 cm of ginger root. Those who like a richer flavor can take more ginger. Ginger root is peeled and ground in a blender. The water is brought to a boil, ginger is added to it and allowed to infuse for 5-7 minutes. You can brew this tea in a thermos. To do this, take about 2-3 cm of ginger root, cut it into thin slices, place them in a thermos and pour 2 liters of boiling water. Take the drink you need throughout the day, 100 ml before meals.

To get a more concentrated drink, ginger root is cut into thin slices, pour boiling water and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Then the broth needs to be cooled to 37 degrees, add to it to taste honey and lemon. Ginger tea is good combined with green and red teawith various dried fruits, for example with rose hip. It is better to drink ginger tea before meals, but those who are on a diet can take it at any time. However, you need to remember that the drink has a tonic effect, so it is undesirable to take it at night.

Useful properties of ginger tea

The health benefits of ginger tea are undeniable.

1. The drink has a diaphoretic, analgesic, expectorant, choleretic and carminative effect.

2. Tea has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system: strengthens the myocardium and blood vessel walls, dilutes the blood.

3. Using it with a productive cough helps to clear the sputum of the bronchi.

4. In addition, the drink has a positive effect on the state of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates constipation, diarrhea, bloating, promotes gas discharge, increases appetite, improves metabolism, as a result, weight loss is observed, blood cholesterol levels decrease and blood pressure normalizes.

5. It is also useful to take it for various food poisonings, including mushrooms, since ginger neutralizes the effect of poisons on the body.

6. Ginger tea relieves joint and muscle pain, relieves swelling when stretched.

7. With its regular use, the blood is saturated with oxygen, as a result of which memory improves.

8. Ginger tea is good for women's health. It has analgesic effects for menstrual pain, eliminates toxicosis during pregnancy, it is advised to drink it in case of infertility and inflammatory gynecological diseases, as it normalizes hormonal levels, resolves adhesions in the small pelvis, and helps with myoma.

9. Tea with ginger is useful for diabetes, depression, migraine pain. Ginger tea with lemon is even more beneficial for the body. Lemon, like ginger, are natural antioxidants, they increase immunity, slow down the growth of pathogenic microflora.

10. The drink eliminates nausea in motion sickness.

11. Ginger tea is also beneficial for men's health: regular use of it reduces the risk of developing prostatitis, improves potency.

The beneficial properties of tea with ginger are explained by its high content of essential amino acids, retinol, ascorbic acid, B vitamins, zinc, magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus.

When Ginger Tea May Harm

Despite the undeniable benefits of tea with ginger, it is still able to harm health.

1. Do not drink the drink if you are hypersensitive and allergic to its ingredients.

2. Since ginger tea has a diaphoretic effect, you should not take it when the body temperature is above 39 degrees, since it can aggravate the patient's condition.

3. For any bleeding, you should refrain from using ginger.

4. It is not advisable to drink tea for various ulcerative and erosive diseases of the digestive tract: gastritis, ulcers, enterocolitis.

5. Ginger activates the work of liver cells, but if their inflammation or necrosis is observed, then this effect on hepatocides is harmful, therefore, the drink is contraindicated in hepatitis in the stage of exacerbation and remission, with cirrhosis.

6. With stones in the gallbladder, tea can cause them to move, resulting in an emergency operation.

7. Do not take ginger for skin diseases.

The benefits and harms of ginger tea for women who are pregnant and breastfeeding

In the first half of pregnancy, tea with ginger relieves toxicosis and facilitates its course. However, in the second half, the drink should be discarded, since it can provoke a jump in blood pressure, and this is harmful for both the woman and the fetus.

It is also not advisable for women to drink it during lactation, since the components of tea can be excreted in breast milk, and ginger has a slightly burning taste and may not appeal to the baby and he will lose his breast.

Ginger tea for children’s health is good or bad

Ginger has a sharp taste and has a strong irritating effect, so it should not be given to children under 2 years of age.

When brewing tea for older children, it should be borne in mind that the child may not like the burning taste of the drink, so you should not make it too strong.

To prevent colds, it is useful to give your child a ginger tea with lemon and honey. For its preparation you need to take 3 tbsp. l grated root, pour 1.5 liters. boiling water, when the infusion cools, add 6 tbsp. honey and 3 tbsp. l lemon. Give the child a drink of 100 ml 3 times a day.

Such tea well enhances the immunity of frequently ill children. Indeed, in addition to ginger, it also contains lemon, in which there is a lot of vitamin C. Yes, and lemon itself is very useful for the body, for example, it stimulates the production of digestive juices and enzymes in the gastric mucosa, as a result of which calcium and iron are better arranged.

But when giving a drink to a child, you need to consider that for children, tea with ginger is harmful in the same cases as for adults.

How to lose weight with ginger tea and not harm your health

It is not yet fully understood how ginger helps burn fat. There is a hypothesis that helps to lose extra pounds of gingerol. This is a chemical substance of plant origin, which is found in the root of ginger. There is an opinion that in its structure and properties gingerol is similar to capsaicin - an alkaloid contained in pods of hot pepper. And it can also accelerate the metabolism of substances and enhance thermogenesis, as a result of which increased energy expenditure and fat are burned.

According to another hypothesis, gingerol blocks the accumulation of fat in adipose tissue cells. In this area, even a number of studies have been carried out. Isolated adipocytes were treated with 6-gingerol, and after some time it was found that the ability of adipose tissue cells to accumulate lipids decreased.

On the one hand, these experiments prove that the substance actually helps to lose weight. On the other hand, it is possible that the results obtained in an in vitro study would differ from the results if the active substance were tested in a living organism.

Maybe other components that make up ginger, of which more than 300, also contribute to weight loss. While all this is unknown.

You can prepare ginger tea for weight loss from fresh and dried root.

Ginger Slimming Tea Recipes

1. To lose weight are advised to brew ginger tea with freshly squeezed lemon juice or orange. Brew the ginger root, and when it cools, pour the juice into it. Citrus fruits in combination with ginger make tea especially aromatic.

2. You can make ginger tea with garlic. To do this, chop the half of the head of garlic and add it to a boiling ginger drink and cook it all together for another 5 minutes. Garlic prevents the deposition of cholesterol plaques, and ginger speeds up the metabolism.

3. For weight loss, you can drink ginger tea with black or red pepper. Brew the drink according to the classic recipe and add pepper on the tip of the knife.

4. Cinnamon lovers like this recipe: put cinnamon stick or powder in brewed ginger tea, cover the mug and let it brew for 20 minutes. For 200 ml of boiling water you need 1 tsp. ground cinnamon and 0.25 tsp grated ginger.

5. Ginger tea will help speed up metabolic processes. with fresh mint. Grind 60 g of mint leaves in a blender, mix with 1 tsp. ground ginger, add ground cardamom on the tip of the knife and pour boiling water over it. The drink will be ready in half an hour.

6. Helps cleanse the intestines of ginger tea and senna leaves (cassia). Senna has a laxative effect. For 200 ml of boiling water, 1 cassia filter bag and 1 tsp are taken. chopped ginger. Tea needs to be infused for 20 minutes. But do not often resort to this recipe.

Without harm to health, you can drink up to 2 liters of tea with ginger per day.


Watch the video: Look what happens if you eat GINGER every day (June 2024).