Modern women suffer from the complex of “ideal births”


Modern women think and act very differently than their grandmothers. The attitude of future mothers to childbirth has also changed. Experts are sure that today women in labor have high expectations and want the delivery to go perfectly. Compared with the indicators of the 1950s, women began to listen much less to the opinions of obstetricians and gynecologists. “They know exactly what they need and persistently achieve this. In addition, women are indirectly affected by mobile apps for expectant mothers and books with tips, ”said expert Terry Coats.

Fifty years ago, every third woman preferred to give birth at home. Nowadays, this is extremely rare. Most women in labor seek to realize the image of ideal birth, which is imposed on the media. And any deviation from the ideal, for example, anesthesia during the process of giving birth to a child, is perceived by the woman as a signal: everything went badly.

Another trendy trend of the last decade is the so-called partner birth. Next to the woman during childbirth is her husband, and in some cases the whole family. Extraneous eyes will certainly embarrass the woman in childbirth and as a result, she will control her behavior, and not think about the child - which is also wrong.

Specialists from the Royal College of Gynecologists and Obstetricians obviously tired of know-it-all women in their 2001 report made the following conclusion: modern women should give birth at home. A hospital birth is indicated for women who are at risk (the presence of triplets or twins, chronic diseases, over forty years of age). But of course, such statements are made out of a desire to cut health budgets. But the reality is that home birth is fraught with a significant number of dangers, faced with which you may not have time to get medical help and lose a baby.

From the foregoing, one simple conclusion can be drawn: in our modern time, childbirth remains the same process as they were a hundred and a thousand years ago. However, modern doctors today have much higher qualifications and accumulated experience, which means that the woman in labor should listen to their words first. At the same time, taking care of your baby and physical sensations more than about your appearance.


Watch the video: Banned practice of foot binding blighting China's oldest women. ITV News (July 2024).