Eye Care - How to Do It Right


Errors are not easy to correct, so it’s better not to make them. The mistakes include the inattention with which many girls relate to their skin, especially around the eyes. It consists of a thin layer of the epidermis and is practically devoid of sebaceous glands that produce a protective film. Therefore, it needs support and additional care. When the skin is smooth and elastic, few people are puzzled by the moment that it will not always be like that. The first disappointments come along with the first wrinkles. That's just the time of their appearance is different for everyone. To put it off, you need to start skin care since youth.

How to care for the skin around the eyes

Care consists of four main points: cleansing, moisturizing, nutrition and protection.

1. Cleansing the skin around the eyes. Even if you do not use makeup, the skin of the eye area before bedtime needs to be cleaned. No matter how delicate and expensive the soap is, it will not work for washing. Daily use of it will dry out the skin and lead to premature aging. Plain water will wash off the dust, but will not completely remove the remaining cream. Therefore, it is better to use special cosmetics for the eyes - milk, emulsion or lotion. They moisten a cotton pad and carry out cleaning, moving along the upper line from the inner corner to the outer side, and along the lower eyelid - in the opposite direction: from the outer corner to the inner one. If it is necessary to carry out a make-up remover, use special products to remove makeup. Plain milk or lotion will not completely remove the carcass residues. It is washed off in the first place. Under the lower eyelashes put half of the cotton pad and, closing your eyes, moving from top to bottom with a cotton swab dipped in a cosmetic product, begin to clean the mascara from the eyelashes. Remains of cosmetics from the skin of the eyes are removed in a circular motion, as with conventional cleansing. At the end of the procedure, you can rinse your face with cool water.

2. Moisturizing the skin around the eyes. Any skin, and especially around the eyes, requires hydration. Saturate it with moisture should be all year round. It is especially important to use moisturizing gels and creams in the summer, saving from drying out, and in the winter, when the skin is subjected to a double load. It is freeze-dried on the street, and central heating radiators at home. If the window is frosty, then you can go outside after applying a moisturizer after 30 minutes, but it is better to wait an hour. Otherwise, the skin does not have time to absorb the cream and frostbite, and then begins to peel off. In the cold season, it is necessary to use moisturizers with a denser structure, for example, on an oil or fat basis.

3. Nutrition of the skin around the eyes. The skin of the eyelids over time begins to need additional nourishment. Therefore, it is necessary to use creams with the addition of vitamins, essential and cosmetic oils, plant extracts and other useful elements. Nourishing creams contain a different structure, with smaller molecules that penetrate deeper layers of the epidermis. If the cream is used in the evening, it should be applied on the eyelids two hours before bedtime to avoid the appearance of edema. After 30 minutes after application, a cotton pad or cloth should remove its excess. In the warm season, do not use oily cream. And it's not just an ugly, unnatural brilliance. The oily cream applied on the eyelids melts, but is not absorbed. Oxygen is blocked, there is no complete outflow of lymph. Fluid builds up under the skin in the eye area, leading to swelling. Therefore, with the onset of heat, you should switch to products with a lighter composition.

4. Eye protection. The skin around the eyes is vulnerable and is subject to the adverse effects of external factors. For example, low temperatures or the scorching sun, therefore, requires special protection. In sunny weather, be sure to wear sunglasses. This is not following fashion, but real protection of the skin of the eyes from wrinkles and burns. When we squint from the bright light, the skin gathers into small folds that leave an imprint on the face in the form of facial wrinkles on the nose and in the corners of the eyes. Their appearance is not related to age, so you can find them even in very young girls. In summer, it is recommended to use creams with SPF protection, which save the skin of the eyelids from the harmful effects of sunlight, which lead to photoaging of the skin. In severe frost, it is better to completely abandon washing with water. To clean the skin, use tonics (without soap and alcohol), lotions, milk.

What makeup is needed for the skin around the eyes

For the skin of the eye area, it is not recommended to use products intended for facial skin care. They may contain more aggressive or allergic substances, such as lanolin or alcohol, which can have a negative effect on the eyelids. And, most importantly, makeup products should be selected according to age. Up to 25 years, moisturizing, protecting and toning are enough for the skin of the eyes. From 25 you can add food, in 30-35 - funds that strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

After 40 years, you can not do without lifting, creams with retinol, hyaluronic acid. Usually on a box with cream indicate at what age it is recommended to use it. You must take into account the condition of your skin. If you are 35, and the upper eyelids are noticeably sagging, you should not wait for the fortieth anniversary, it's time to start using creams with a tightening effect. Eye cosmetics should not only be carefully selected, but also applied correctly. Having squeezed out a couple of drops on a small pillow of an index or middle finger, it is necessary to spend it on a bone around eyes. The cream is not applied close to the growth of eyelashes so that it does not cause irritation of the mucosa. Having distributed it on the skin, you can lightly tap the cheekbones with your fingertips. These movements are a gentle preventive massage that slows down the formation of wrinkles.

Creams, gels and oils for the skin around the eyes

There are many creams, oils, gels for eye skin care. How to navigate this variety and choose the right cosmetic product?

Gels have a watery or jelly-like structure, are quickly absorbed, saturating the skin with moisture and active ingredients. Suitable for younger skin. The gel is indispensable for use in the hot season, creating a protective lipid layer on the skin that retains moisture.

Creams have a more dense, rich texture. They are used to combat age-related problems and dry skin. It can be used in winter and summer, just choose a cream on a seasonally appropriate basis. In winter - in oil or fat, in summer - in water.

Oils have a liquid but oily texture. Smooth, soften and rejuvenate the skin. They are added to the composition of homemade cosmetics and home masks. Suitable for young and aging skin. It is not recommended to use in the pure season during the hot season. Olive, almond, peach oil can remove decorative cosmetics.

Masks for the skin around the eyes

Masks for the skin around the eyes are quick-acting weapons. When you need to tighten the skin, remove the puffiness of the eyelids, get rid of small wrinkles, dark circles, bags under the eyes, there is no better expert tool. They come in the form of gel, tissue masks or a creamy state.

You can get rid of traces of fatigue, remove swelling with a cooling gel mask in the form of glasses. Before use, you need to hold it in the refrigerator, and then put it over your eyes for 30 minutes. A tissue mask will help smooth out wrinkles - a fabric soaked in a special composition that is applied to the eyes for 20-30 minutes.

At home, you can prepare effective masks from improvised means - potatoes, parsley, black tea. A mask of cucumber slices, which you just need to put on your eyes, perfectly tones and smoothes the skin.

It is useful to wipe the area around the eyes with a grape berry cut in half. Grape juice nourishes and smoothes the skin.

You can relieve inflammation and irritation by decoction of linden or chamomile. Pour boiling water (200 ml) in a spoon of dry chamomile or linden flowers, leave for 15 minutes. Moisten cotton balls or discs with this product, put them on your eyes for 20 minutes.

A mask of cottage cheese or grated raw potatoes left on the skin under the eyes for 20-30 minutes helps fight dark circles. Wash it off with a gauze or cotton pad dipped in fresh tea leaves.


marina 04/23/2016
Lyudmila wrote that hands do not reach practice in eye skin care. I'm lazy too. I can’t do it myself. not enough patience. But care is already needed. already 32 years old, wrinkles have already appeared. ready masks save me. I’m buying masks for Sheri’s eyes (it’s written on the packaging in English, but here the computer does not allow writing English letters). They are ovals carved from fabric with holes. the fabric is saturated with a special cream. you just need to put these masks on your eyes and lie down with it for about 15 minutes. The result is immediately visible - the skin is soft, nourished, moisturized. The look is lighter. become fresher. If used regularly, small wrinkles near the eyes are noticeably removed. I really like these masks for their simplicity in use and the result. Favorite mask with cornflower and witch hazel.

Tangerine 04/02/2016
The skin around the eyes is very delicate, thin. And from it you can immediately determine the approximate age of a woman. Therefore, it must be monitored very carefully! Correctly select the funds, it is for the skin around the eyes, and not for the face as a whole.

Irena 04/02/2016
I like gels for these purposes. At first, of course, it was unpleasant, the gel hardens, and envelops with a film, it seems that it pulls together a little. But! Look at my aunt! She began to use the gel, so she has practically no wrinkles. And she is over 50 years old.

Lolita 04/02/2016
Look here! Basically, all masks, creams, etc. You can cook at home! It’s not at all difficult! And in the effect of natural, living products - I personally believe more! Very good for eyelids and skin around the eyes - black plain tea!

Oksana 04/02/2016
It’s good that you recalled this topic. I am also one of those who care and care for the skin of the face as a whole, and never when separately for the skin around the eyes. And now I regret that I did not pay attention to it in time. By the way, a cottage cheese mask helps a lot.


Watch the video: How To Apply Eye Cream The RIGHT Way (June 2024).