9 ways to protect yourself from cancer


Almost every decade there are diseases that humanity has never encountered before. Some manage to be treated quite successfully, others, for lack of necessary medications, lead patients to death. Recently, the most common disease, a kind of "plague of the XXI century" has become cancer. Every year, millions of people around the world die from it. The most common cancers today are lung cancer, blood cancer, stomach cancer, and breast cancer.

What is cancer?

Cancer is the destruction of body tissues under the influence of spontaneously and randomly increasing cancer cells, which cannot be stopped. Unfortunately, the human body does not contain antibodies that can fight tumor cells, so the only way to treat it is to have surgery, preferably at an early stage. The treatment of cancer and the constant search for drugs against it is one of the leading areas in modern medicine and pharmacology. Not only ordinary people, but also experts want to know how you can help the body protect itself from a terrible ailment?

How to prevent cancer?

1. Constant physical activity. The body of people leading a sedentary lifestyle is weakened, poorly resists various infections. Physical activity improves blood circulation by preventing an increase in insulin in the blood, which is extremely important, since an elevated level of this hormone often causes cancer.

2. To give up smoking. The dangers of smoking have been talked about for more than half a century, but most smokers, relying on "maybe", can not give up this bad habit, shortening their lives in the simplest way - the danger of contracting lung cancer. So, nicotine weakens the body's immune system, and the substances contained in tobacco contribute to the acceleration of cell division, which, as we know, leads to cancer.

3. An important factor is abstinence from alcohol. Even low-alcohol drinks can lead to the development of liver tumors, and in women, to breast cancer.

4. Healthy eating A normal diet should consist of more than 70% vegetables and fruits that have a beneficial effect on the body. Their antioxidants strengthen the immune system, and vitamins rid the body of harmful cells. Vegetables and fruits are also a source of energy, which is one of the factors that prevent cancer. Eat less high-calorie foods and convenience foods.

5. Eat less meat. Despite the fact that a lot is said about the benefits of meat, it can still cause intestinal cancer. The most dangerous types of meat include lamb, beef and pork. It is advisable to exclude various sausages, smoked meats, and ham from the diet.

6. Excessive intake of sugar and salt can lead to cancer of the stomach and colon. Despite the fact that most foods are unsalted it is simply impossible, it is necessary to reduce the amount of salt intake. As for sugar, it is one of the most favorable products for the multiplication of cancer cells.

7. Watch your blood cholesterol, the high content of which can also lead to cancer. Cholesterol clogs the walls of blood vessels, making blood circulation difficult. All this leads to the fact that internal organs are not able to be saturated with oxygen, do not receive useful nutrients, which leads to weakening of the body and, as a result, the risk of cancerous tumors increases.

8. Control your weight. Excessive body weight leads not only to problems with the cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system, but also causes intestinal cancer.

9. Protection against external factors. Ultraviolet rays, which we can get in excess when sunbathing in the sun or lying in a solarium, can lead to skin cancer. Use sunscreens and consume foods rich in vitamins D and E.


Watch the video: Skin Cancer Prevention and Detection - Mayo Clinic (June 2024).