Why dream of a fire?


To answer in one word, which means a dream in which a person sees a fire, is simply impossible. There are many interpretations of this dream, and the exact value will depend on various factors that must be taken into account.

If you describe a dream in general terms, then often the image of the flame seen in a dream is a symbol of human emotions, turbulent relationships with the opposite sex and conflict situations. The dream book will help to learn a more accurate interpretation.

Dreamed a fire what does it mean

If a dream is a fire and a fire, the dream book offers the following values:

  • interprets a very large bonfire as a symbol of the nature of the dreamer’s temper and his hot-tempered nature, you need to exercise restraint in different life situations and not provoke other people to conflicts;
  • to see a big bonfire, from which black smoke appears - to an unpleasant situation or an annoying misunderstanding;
  • kindle it in the furnace - soon the sleeper will feel the strength to accomplish many things, such a dream foreshadows success in all undertakings;
  • to burn some things on fire - in reality a person will abandon his own principles and pay for it;
  • to see other people who have settled around the fire - to heated arguments that will not lead to a compromise;
  • to see the flame burning in the distance and to go to his light - there is a problem in the dreamer's life that requires an immediate solution;
  • to see the wandering lights in the cemetery - such a dream can symbolize betrayal and betrayal by people close to you;
  • jump and dance around a bright fire - evil thoughts have ripened in your head, try to get rid of them completely;
  • to see strange mythical creatures dancing in the flames — perhaps someone is trying to damage you.

Kindle a fire in a dream to what it

If you dream to kindle a fire, the dream book is interpreted as the attitude of the dreamer to the difficulties of life.

A more accurate interpretation suggests the dream book:

  • if you dream of burning a fire without much success - soon the dreamer will be completely absorbed in the hassle and household chores, in this case you should not shift your responsibilities to your loved ones;
  • trying to put out the fire in the hearth - do not start new affairs, as they will end in failure;
  • kindling a fire on the bank of the river - perhaps soon there will be a real fire in the house of the sleeper;
  • watch the bright flames in the cave - soon you will hear a prediction that will come true exactly;
  • to see a fire floating on the water - the ill-wisher is plotting against the sleeper;
  • kindle the flames, whose tongues rise to the very sky, scattering sparks - you are overcome by bad feelings;
  • to look at the flame that is kindled in nature - perhaps a natural disaster will occur soon;
  • fry food on fire - to prosperity in the house.

What dreams of a fire in the forest

  • Modern dream book argues that the fire, divorced in the forest, most often dream of the upcoming campaign in the company of friends.
  • If in a dream you had a chance to plant it in the forest in company with your loved one, it means that your feelings are filled with sincerity and mutual respect, you have complete mutual understanding, common interests, and there are excellent prospects for the future.
  • Watch the dying flames and see the ashes fall on the embers - you are nostalgic for a time that you will never return.
  • To collect firewood in the forest in order to make a fire - a quarrel or a spat with the second half.
  • Going to the forest to prepare firewood for the winter - in order to achieve your goal, you will have to really try and give everything to the fullest.

What dreams of a fire in the garden and near the house

  • If you dreamed of a fire burning near the house - in accordance with Miller’s dream book, in the near future we should expect guests whom the hosts will be extremely happy.
  • If a dream dreams of a young girl - this is a sign that she will soon have to meet a young man who will become her narrowed.
  • Watching the flames blaze in the garden — such a dream means that all the laborer's efforts and efforts will soon pay off, and he will receive a considerable profit.
  • For the farmer, this vision foreshadows a rich harvest, which he will be able to sell at a bargain price.

Putting out a fire in a dream

  • If you dream of putting out a fire, the dream book warns that temporary setbacks will soon occur in business.
  • If you believe the interpretations of Longo, you will fail in one case, on which you pin great hopes. However, do not worry about this, since all the difficulties are temporary, and sooner or later you will be able to get out of trouble.
  • Extinguish the flames, but continue to see its light — your hopes will not be in vain.
  • An extinct fire that cannot be ignited again will symbolize the collapse of all hopes.


Watch the video: What does fire dreams mean? - Dream Meaning (June 2024).