Coconut Cake - a heavenly delight! Different recipes for famous and new coconut cakes for sweet tooth


We use coconut in food much less often than shavings. It is she who often becomes the main ingredient in sweets, cakes and in stunning cakes.

A small amount of this ingredient can completely change the taste, give the dessert exotic notes and a magical aroma.

Indulge in a heavenly cake?

Coconut Cake - General Cooking Principles

Almost all coconut cakes are cooked on a biscuit. Delicate and porous cake mixes perfectly with chips or filling from it. It perfectly absorbs syrups and impregnations, takes any flavor and also just prepares. For an ordinary biscuit, you need only 3 ingredients: flour, granulated sugar and eggs. The situation with creams is a little more complicated. They can be very different.

What cream can be made from:

• condensed milk ordinary or boiled;

• cream or sour cream;

• chocolate;

• butter;

• cream cheese.

Also, biscuits need impregnation. It can be regular or milk, fruit, cognac sugar syrup. It all depends on the recipe.

Chips are most often used in plain white coconut pulp. But for children's cakes, you can take colored shavings.

Sometimes grated chocolate, crushed nuts, waffles or cookies are added to it.

These ingredients make the taste different, help to diversify and decorate dessert more interesting.

Cake with coconut flakes "Gentle"

A variant of a very juicy vanilla cake with coconut, which does not require a large number of ingredients. For the base, biscuit cake is prepared.


• four eggs;

• half a bag of baking ripper;

• 120 g flour;

• 1 g vanilla;

• 140 g of sugar.


• 1 b thick condensed milk;

• 5 tablespoons of coconut flakes;

• 0.22 kg of oil;

• 50 g of white chocolate;

• 1 g vanilla;

• 80 ml whole milk.


1. Start with a biscuit. Beat eggs with yolks in a deep bowl, gradually add sugar. After the volume has tripled, you need to add flour and vanilla with half a bag of baking powder.

2. Gently stir with a spatula, but not with a mixer, otherwise the biscuit will settle. Transfer the vanilla dough into a detachable form, send to bake. The temperature for the biscuit is 170.

3. Put 2 full tablespoons of condensed milk out of the can, add whole milk to it and stir. Get syrup for soaking cakes.

4. We prepare a cream of butter and the remaining condensed milk, for the smell we throw vanilla.

5. Cold-cooled biscuit should be cut in half.

6. Take the milk syrup and soak the bottom, placing the cake on a serving dish. We coat with half the cream and lightly sprinkle with chips.

7. Soak the second cake. Now you can cream the whole cake.

8. Grate white chocolate, mix with chips, sprinkle on top and also process the sides. Keep the dessert in the refrigerator for at least three hours.

Coconut Bounty Cake

Cake recipe with coconut flakes, which tastes very similar to a popular bar. The filling is juicy, tender, with a stunning aroma of exotic walnut.


• 100 g of sugar and butter;

• 150 g of chips;

• a glass of milk.

In the dough:

• 0.08 kg of flour;

• 120 g of sugar;

• 20 g of cocoa;

• 3 eggs;

• 10 tablespoons of cream;

• 4 g of ripper.

For glaze:

• 50 g of oil;

• 0.1 l of milk;

• 4 tablespoons of sugar and the same amount of cocoa.


1. We make chocolate dough for biscuit. Beat three large eggs (the first category) and granulated sugar, introduce flour with cocoa and a cultivator, stir.

2. Transfer the chocolate mixture into the mold and bake the base for the cake. The smaller it is in diameter, the higher the cake will be. Regardless of the diameter of the form, a biscuit is baked at 170-180 degrees. Then we leave it for two hours, so that the cake is completely cooled.

3. Cooking the coconut filling. We combine milk and butter in a saucepan, add sugar and put on the stove. As soon as all the components of the syrup dissolve, add the shavings of coconut pulp. Cook the filling on low heat for about 10 minutes, until it becomes a thick gruel.

4. Cut the base for the bounty in half. Pour the cake with 5 tablespoons of cream, you can use the product with low fat content.

5. Spread the whole coconut filling.

6. Pour the second crust with the remaining cream on the side of the slice, let it soak for about five minutes, then turn it over, cover with coconut cream.

7. Pour sugar and cocoa into a saucepan, stir. Add the remaining glaze ingredients, boil over low heat until chocolate glaze is obtained. Cover the cake on top.

Cake with coconut flakes "Raffaello"

Another interpretation of popular and deliciously delicious sweets. The coconut cake is based on vanilla biscuit. Cream with mascarpone, but you can take another similar cream cheese.


• a glass of sugar;

• 0.5 cups of crushed waffles;

• 5 eggs;

• 1 cup almonds;

• 310 ml of condensed milk;

• 1/2 cup flour;

• 450 g of mascarpone;

• 1/2 cup milk powder;

• 120 g of oil;

• 0.5 cups of whole milk;

• 1.5 cups of coconut.


1. Turn on the stove 180. Combine the eggs in a bowl with sugar and beat until three times the mass. Stir in the flour, a little vanilla. You can add almond extract. Bake until cooked cake.

2. While the biscuit is cooling, prepare a gentle cream. We mix the softened butter and cream cheese, add 280 ml of condensed milk and beat thoroughly with a mixer.

3. Pour into the finished cream? cups of chips and add milk powder, mix, leave aside for a while.

4. We mix whole milk and the remains of condensed milk. It will be an impregnation.

5. Cut the biscuit into three thin cakes. Water the bottom with impregnation, grease with cream, sprinkle with half waffles and half chopped almonds.

6. In a similar way, impregnate, grease and sprinkle the second cake.

7. Cover the cake with the last biscuit, pour over the residues of milk soaking and grease with cream.

8. Take a glass of coconut flakes and sprinkle plenty of cake on all sides. For decoration, you can use Raffaello sweets.

Coconut Banana Cake

For this cake with coconut flakes, you need a simple biscuit, bake it according to the previous recipe or any other.


• 1 biscuit;

• 3 bananas;

• 260 ml of heavy cream;

• 200 g of mascarpone;

• 140 g of powdered sugar;

• 110 ml of milk;

• 3 tablespoons of sugar;

• 1 cup coconut flakes.


1. Boil milk and sugar. Cool the syrup. For flavor, you can add almond or vanilla extract to it.

2. Beat the cream with icing sugar, mix the mashed cream cheese.

3. Cut the bananas into slices.

4. Rinse the biscuit into thin cakes, you should get three pieces.

5. We collect a tender cake. Soak one layer with milk syrup, grease with cream, lightly sprinkle with chips, cover with a layer of banana plates. We repeat.

6. Top just lubricated with cream, densely covered with coconut flakes.

Cake with coconut ready-made cakes

A variation of the famous Raffaello cake, but simpler and faster to prepare. We take the usual white cakes of biscuit.


• 200 g of oil;

• 3 cakes;

• 400 ml cream for whipping;

• 1 b. condensed milk;

• 110 g of chips (less possible).


1. Soften the oil. Transfer to a bowl and first beat alone, then gradually add all the condensed milk.

2. In another bowl, whip the cream until lush foam.

3. Combine both creams, add 2-3 tablespoons of chips for taste, stir. If desired, put the almond essence or ordinary vanillin for the smell.

4. We coat the cakes with butter cream.

5. Top and sides of the cake are also covered.

6. Sprinkle the cake with chips. You can add grated white or milk chocolate to it.

7. Leave the cake warm for 2 hours so that the cakes are saturated. Then we stand the same amount of time in the refrigerator.

Coconut Curd Cake

This dessert also tastes like the famous Raffaello sweets, but is made from simpler and more affordable products. The main component is cottage cheese. We take a fatty product, not dry and not granular.


For the test:

• 0.2 kg of cottage cheese;

• 2 tbsp. flour;

• 1 tbsp. Sahara;

• 2 eggs;

• 1 tsp cultivator.


• 480 g of milk;

• 25 g of starch;

• 2 yolks;

• 100 g almonds;

• 0.2 kg of sugar and butter;

• 50 g of chips.


1. Beat eggs and granulated sugar. Add mashed cottage cheese, throw a pinch of fine resin and stir. Add the flour. Perhaps it will go a little more if the curd is weak.

2. We divide the soft dough into 4 lumps. Cool for half an hour in the freezer.

3. Roll out the cake from each piece, bake in the oven at 200 degrees until golden.

4. Cooking custard. First we combine sugar with starch, add the yolks to them, and rub it thoroughly. Next we introduce milk.

5. Send the mixture to the stove, cook on fire a little below average. As soon as the cream thickens, immediately remove. We don’t give him a boil.

6. Add the softened butter to the cooled cream.

7. Cut the almonds, you can pre-fry a little.

8. Grease the curd cakes with the cooked cream, sprinkle with almonds. You do not need much, just slightly crush the cream.

9. Sprinkle coconut flakes on top of the cake, cover the sides with almonds.

Coconut Cake - Tips & Tricks

• After adding flour to the biscuit dough, stir it with a spoon or spatula with gentle movements from the bottom up. If you use a mixer, the mass will settle, and the cake will not work out so magnificent.

• If milk is used to soak coconut cake, it must be boiled. You can boil with sugar or condensed milk, which are part of the syrup.

• Both cream, syrup and cake should be cooled before assembly. Otherwise, the cake will not work out beautiful, it will flow.


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