How to fry pork steak in a pan with garlic, spices and mustard. We will fry a juicy pork steak in a pan!


A juicy steak of traditional beef meat. But no less delicious is the pork steak fried in a pan with spices and seasonings. How to fry pork steak in a pan, not every housewife knows. But this is a remarkably simple and tasty dish that you can meet guests or quickly feed hungry households.

How to fry pork steak in a pan - general cooking principles

The main thing in the steak is meat. Pork tenderloin is especially tasty: it is soft and juicy. Steaks are cut from a rather large whole piece. It must be washed, dried with paper towels, and then cut into steaks.

Important points to consider:

• you need to cut any meat across, and not along the fibers;

• the thickness of the pieces should not be thin, but not thick - the slice is considered to be optimal not thinner than 2.5 and not thicker than 3.5 cm;

• the pork piece should be sent to the pan only warmed to room temperature, that is, it should be at least forty to fifty minutes outside the refrigerator.

To make the steak well cooked, please with a delicious crust, but remain juicy, the meat must be marinated before frying. As a marinade, you can take salt with lemon, soy sauce, oil. Each housewife (and each professional chef) has their own secrets on how to fry pork steak in a pan.

Salt the meat in advance. The salt will melt in the meat juice and form an external protective film, due to which the juiciness of the meat will remain, and the fibers will become more tender. But pepper and use spices in advance is not worth it: they will burn in a pan, give the dish an unpleasant aroma. Sometimes spices and dried herbs are still added to the marinade. In this case, before frying the pieces, it is better to get wet with a napkin.

And one more important point. An ordinary beef steak involves three degrees of frying: with blood, medium and ordinary. With pork, this is not so: this meat requires strong roasting, since there is a high risk of infection with parasites. It takes about six minutes to fry a regular piece of meat in the form of a pork steak.

How to fry pork steak in a pan

The traditional steak is a piece of meat fried in a pan on both sides. No extraneous aromas are assumed, only the taste and aroma of meat.


• two ready-made steaks;

• three tablespoons of vegetable oil;

• half a teaspoon of black pepper powder;

• half a teaspoon of salt.

Cooking method:

Sprinkle the meat pieces with salt, rub it, coat it with butter (any that is in the kitchen), let it marinate for forty to fifty minutes.

Pour the oil into the pan, wait until it warms up well.

As soon as the smoke is visible above the surface of the pan, carefully place the steaks in the pan.

Fry for three to four minutes on both sides. This time is approximate, it all depends on the thickness of the piece. You should focus on the culinary experience and the desired crust.

Allow the steak to cool slightly in a pan, put on a plate and serve with freshly sliced ​​vegetables or lettuce.

Pork steak in a pan with creamy gravy

Due to the butter and dried herbs, the pork steak acquires an interesting aroma and taste. If you know how to fry pork steak in a pan according to this recipe, you can surprise guests with an unusual and very tasty dish.


• pork steaks;

• vegetable oil (2-3 tbsp. L.);

• half a packet of butter (about 100 g);

•? tsp dried thyme;

• paprika powder (to taste, about 1 tsp);

• medium grinding table or sea salt to taste;

• a pinch of sugar;

• one clove bud;

• red, black, allspice to taste.

Cooking method:

Remove a piece of butter from the refrigerator and leave for half an hour at room temperature.

Dry spices, salt, sugar, mix in a mortar and grind. You can do this in a coffee grinder.

Combine softened oil and the resulting spicy dressing, mix well.

Spread the cling film, put the oil in the center of the oil and form it in the form of a thin sausage, carefully turning the edge of the film.

Remove the oil in the refrigerator.

Fry steaks in hot oil.

At the same time, preheat the oven.

Transfer the steaks to a baking dish.

For each piece of meat put a piece of butter ...

Send the steak form to the oven.

When the butter melts, you get aromatic creamy gravy.

How to fry pork steak in a pan with garlic

Fragrant garlic perfectly complements the delicate taste of a sweet clove. How to fry pork steak in a pan according to this recipe? Also very simple.


• steaks are ready;

• a tablespoon of butter;

• vegetable oil for the pan;

• four cloves of garlic;

• pepper and salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Wash fresh garlic, dry and, without peeling, crush with a knife.

Spread steaks with salt and leave for pickling.

Heat the oil well in a pan and fry the steaks.

When it is ready, toss the garlic into the pan without taking out the meat.

Fry garlic for five minutes, making sure that the meat is not burnt. To do this, carefully turn the pieces over with tongs.

Put a piece of butter in a skillet.

When it melts and soaks the pork, sprinkle it with pepper, grate garlic and serve.

Pork steak in a pan with paprika

Paprika is one of the most delicious, harmonious seasonings for pork roasting. To fry pork steak in a pan and get amazingly juicy meat, it must be marinated in lemon juice or balsamic vinegar. The amount of salt and paprika vary to your taste.


• several servings of pork steak;

• lemon;

• salt;

• paprika;

• vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking method:

Squeeze juice from a lemon scalded with boiling water.

Salt the meat, rub in salt with your hands, and coat with lemon juice. This technique will make fresh pork tenderloin juices remain inside the piece.

Marinate steaks for about an hour.

Heat the pan, carefully place the steaks and fry until cooked.

Two to three minutes before the meat is ready, sprinkle it with paprika.

Serve with tomatoes and lettuce.

Pork steak in a pan with mustard and soy sauce

A fragrant, spicy version of the steak can be prepared by pickling pork in soy sauce and dry mustard powder.


• three to four pork steaks;

• three tablespoons of soya thick sauce;

• a third of a teaspoon of ground pepper or a mixture of peppers;

• three tablespoons of vegetable oil;

• half a teaspoon of mustard powder.

Cooking method:

Prepare the marinade by combining soy sauce, dry mustard and ground pepper in a bowl and mix well.

Grease meat slices with marinade and leave at room temperature for one and a half to two hours.

Blot the pickled steaks with a napkin to remove excess liquid.

Spread each piece of butter.

Heat a dry skillet and fry steaks until crusty.

Reduce heat and fry meat until cooked.

Put the meat out of the pan, cover with a piece of food foil, let it rest and insist a little. Enough for five to seven minutes.

Pork steak in a pan with spices

The smell of Provence herbs, combined with the smell of fried meat, will turn anyone's head off. How to fry pork steak in a pan so as to saturate it with the aroma of spicy seasonings? Marinate in them well, and then send to the pan.


• two pork tenderloin steaks;

• a tablespoon of a mixture of herbs (basil, thyme, rosemary);

• half a teaspoon of salt;

• a mixture of peppers to taste;

• cooking oil.

Cooking method:

Grate pork meat with salt, oil, then herbs and leave for pickling.

After half an hour, turn on the fire under a frying pan, add oil and heat it.

Blot the meat with a paper towel, pepper and fry on both sides.

Cook the fried pieces with a beautiful crust over minimal heat for another five to seven minutes.

After turning off the fire, cover the pan with a lid, let the steaks stand for another five minutes.

How to fry pork steak in a pan - tricks and tips

To make the meat even more juicy and soft, the finished steaks can be wrapped with foil and left in such a "fur coat" for about five minutes. This is the answer to the question of how to fry pork steak in a pan, but not deprive it of juiciness. Meat juice saturates fibers better and does not spill out after cutting, and pork becomes even more tender.

For frying steaks, a pan or roasting pan with thick walls and a bottom is ideal. In another bowl, the meat will not be grilled, but stewed. Suitable special dishes, old cast iron or modern thick-walled steel pan.

If possible, the meat should be allowed to breathe for about one and a half to two days. To do this, thawed pieces are left in the refrigerator and turn over every 6-7 hours.

How to fry pork steak in a pan so that the meat is covered with a crust, rather than starting to stew? First of all, lay pieces dried on napkins on which moisture is left. In addition, it is important to heat the oil in a pan. If it is not hot enough, the meat will not be sealed, but just let the juice go.

If there is no time for long pickling, let the meat lie in seasonings and an oil film for at least an hour. Having coated the pork, it can be wrapped with cling film, put in a bowl and put on the shelf of the refrigerator. After an hour, get it and be sure to warm it to room temperature.

It is important to prevent the juice from leaking out accidentally. This can happen even if the marinade reliably "sealed" the meat fibers. Turn steaks either with special tongs or (very carefully) with a fork and spatula. The important thing is not to pierce the pieces: in this case, the juice will immediately flow out.


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