How to swaddle a newborn and is it worth it? About how to swaddle a newborn: video


When the baby is born, every mother immediately has a satisfied amount of worries. The first question that parents are interested in is how to swaddle a newborn.

In order to understand whether it is necessary to do this, it is worthwhile to figure out how the baby feels after birth.

Is it necessary to swaddle a newborn?

At the very beginning of pregnancy, the baby swims in the amniotic fluid. Over time, it occupies the entire uterus, which becomes the cause of obstructed movements. This condition is very comfortable and familiar for the child. After birth, the baby is very difficult to get used to the change of scenery. He wants to get back to his former state of comfort.

Based on the above, we can conclude that the baby should be swaddled. Swaddling returns the child to a state of comfort. Such actions help the child adapt to new conditions for life as soon as possible.

The adaptation period usually takes 2-3 weeks. By the first month of life, if the baby feels well, you can refuse such actions. If it is difficult for the baby to sleep with arms outstretched, then he should be swaddled for the night. It is necessary to monitor your child, as one can like swaddling and the children calm down, while others are naughty. It remains only to find out how to swaddle a newborn.

Types and techniques of swaddling

Many parents want to swaddle their babies, but are afraid to do so. Practice will do it right. There are several swaddling techniques. You can see in pictures how to swaddle a newborn.

1. Swaddling with handles. After carrying out all hygiene procedures, you can begin to swaddle the baby. To do this, spread a diaper on the pelenator. On top of it in the center lay the baby. The top edge should be at neck level. Put the child’s hand along the torso and obliquely wrap the edge of the diaper under the baby’s back. With the second edge, you must do the same. When carrying out manipulations, it is necessary to ensure that wrinkles do not form. Spread the bottom edge of the fabric in the shape of a fish. They need to close the crumb under the neck or above the elbows. Use the ends of the diaper to wrap the baby on both sides. The free edge should be fixed on the tummy crumbs by tucking. At the end of all manipulations, you need to make sure that the legs are free and that the handles fit snugly against the body. For a more accurate idea of ​​how to swaddle a newborn, the video should be reviewed.

2. Free method. This type of swaddling allows the baby to move a little. The essence of this method is that the child is wrapped in tissue, but not squeezed. Thanks to this, the baby has the opportunity to move the legs and arms. At the same time, the intrauterine effect continues to persist, but the baby is not squeezed into a vise. It is acceptable that with this method of swaddling, the baby has a free handle. For the correct conduct of all manipulations it is necessary:

• spread the fabric on the swaddle rectangle;

• place the crumb so that the upper side is at the level of the neck or upper limbs;

• the upper right side should be pulled and wrapped so that it lies obliquely (do not tighten the fabric too tightly);

• with the upper left corner you need to do the same, only he will be under the back on the right;

• align the underside of the fabric and thereby pull on itself;

• Raise the resulting edges and wrap the crumbs, and remove the ends from under the back and tuck them into folds.

3. Wide swaddling. This type is used for medicinal purposes. This type should be used for pathologies of the musculoskeletal system in infants. Only the lower limbs are subject to swaddling. All manipulations must be performed by a specialized method so that the lower limbs remain divorced. Such fixation of the limbs will lead to the fact that the baby will get used to holding his legs correctly. How to swaddle a newborn in this way? So:

• use three cotton diapers;

• fold the first layer in the form of a scarf;

• the second piece of fabric should be folded into several layers to form a rectangle;

• place the crumbs on a rectangular diaper so that the upper side is at the level of the waist;

• stretch the rectangle between the legs to make a diaper;

• wrap the child in a rectangle, tightening the lower side between the legs of the baby, and the side around the tummy (legs should be at right angles);

• with the help of the third piece of tissue, the child’s legs should be fixed in a taut position so that the newborn cannot bring his feet together.

4. Swaddling in a blanket. This is not an independent view. This swaddling method is only an addition to all of the above options. You can swaddle a baby in a blanket in order to warm him. Very often, babies up to three months old are taken out on the street this way. There are several methods for swaddling babies in a blanket. The most practical instructions on how to swaddle a newborn are described below.

• spread a blanket on the pelenator, unfolding it in the form of a rhombus;

• put the baby so that the lower edge is slightly longer than the upper;

• if the crumb handles are not fixed during the main swaddle, then they should be placed along the body;

• pull the left corner of the blanket, wrapping the left hand, and wrap it behind the baby’s back;

• pull the bottom edge up and hide it in the formed bend;

• pull the right corner in the opposite direction and put it behind your back;

• the upper corner becomes the so-called protection;

• Secure the envelope with tape.

These are the most common swaddling methods.

Swaddling risks

The most dangerous is a tight swaddle. This fixation can cause health problems in the baby. A special danger arises if parents often use this method. The most unpleasant consequences are:

1. Slow down the development of the child. The baby, who is greatly swaddled and who is specially constrained in movements, receives motor skills much later. Due to the lack of tactile contacts, the process of studying oneself is slowed down.

2. There are problems with the heart and breathing. Strong swaddling affects the lungs. For this reason, the process of blood circulation is disrupted. The metabolism and the development of organs are significantly slowed down.

3. Character change. Restriction of the freedom of the baby causes changes in the psyche.

These are far from all the problems that may arise.

Healthy swaddling rules

To rid themselves of possible dangers, each parent needs to adhere to certain rules. These include:

1. Select the desired surface. It is necessary to carry out manipulations on a special table or similar hard surface.

2. Provide protection. Before the procedure, cover the surface with oilcloth and lay a warm cloth on top.

3. Cook all things. When the child is already on the changing table, all things should be at hand of the parent.

4. Avoid all distractions. The baby is too mobile, so it can easily fall from the changing table. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to remove all distracting factors to mom.

5. Taking a bath. Before carrying out the manipulations, the baby should be redeemed.

6. Inspect the baby. Before swaddling a child, it is necessary to carefully examine his body and genitals. In case of rashes, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

7. Use hygiene products. Apply a special cream under the diaper to the baby’s clean dermis. Put on a new diaper.

8. Wear prepared clean clothing. The fabric should only be natural.

9. Do not over tighten the fabric, as this may cause the baby pain and discomfort.

10. Change the location. If the baby fell asleep in a bundle, then his position should be changed from time to time.

If you follow all the rules, then no parent will harm your child.


Watch the video: How to Swaddle a Baby: Step by Step. UPMC HealthBeat (June 2024).