What is known about the benefits of squash caviar? How it is prepared and in what cases there is an equal sign between the words "harm" and "squash caviar"


Bright autumn harvest beloved by many, vegetable caviar from zucchini, is not only distinguished by its spicy unique taste, but also by its rich benefits. It is highly advisable to supplement it with a dietary table as well as everyday. And of course, it is important to know about in which cases its use is limited.

What is the use of squash caviar

When it comes to how to stock up on zucchini for the winter, often the first thing to remember is the vegetable caviar. However, this product is good all year round.

The main ingredient is zucchini, usually supplemented with onions and carrots, often with tomatoes, tomato paste, pumpkin, eggplant, sweet pepper, zucchini, and can not do without vegetable oil, salt and spices, herbs.

Stew vegetables, fry, boil, then chop. Homemade caviar can be cooked and eaten in a couple of days literally, can be packaged in banks in reserve. Zucchini caviar is very tasty, satisfying, well and quickly absorbed.

Often squash caviar is used as a cold appetizer - spread on bread, served with boiled potatoes, or as a side dish. But you can also add it at the end of cooking in meat stew. Try a salad with her, an egg dish for breakfast, soup.

It is known that heat treatment, especially long-term, destroys vitamins, minerals and other elements in the composition of foods and drinks, and vegetables are no exception. These processes, of course, do not endow squash caviar with harm, but significantly reduce its beneficial properties.

In particular, vitamin A, necessary for the absorption of zinc, almost completely disappears.

But vitamin B6 is preserved and helps the digestibility of potassium - perhaps the main trace element of zucchini:

· This substance plus the high water content in the vegetable (about 90%) endow squash caviar with the properties of a diuretic - it helps to remove excess fluid from the body, and in addition - relieves swelling - from the face to the legs;

· Potassium in combination with magnesium nourishes the heart muscle, is necessary for the circulatory system, and also normalizes intracranial pressure, which is often the cause of protracted headaches.

True, in the zucchini, in principle, there is no vitamin D, which contributes to the absorption of magnesium.

Vitamin C, known for its general strengthening and tonic properties, slightly loses in quantity, because it is indispensable for the healthy functioning of the cardiovascular system and the prevention of respiratory diseases.

Of the other vitamin-mineral units, in a zucchini in an amount sufficient to allow talking about their noticeable benefits, the following substances are contained:

· Iron prevents anemia and is necessary for the enrichment of blood with oxygen;

· Sulfur in combination with B vitamins provides energy to the brain;

· Sodium is indispensable for the functioning of the nervous system and the healthy state of the muscular system;

· Vitamin K provides a blood coagulation rate and strengthens bone tissue.

It is important to note that pectin (it is more in zucchini than in cabbage and apples) and beta-carotene (contained in zucchini caviar due to carrots) after cooking during cooking, on the contrary, they win, in other words, they do not decrease and are more fully absorbed , and this affects a lot:

· Being a powerful adsorbent, pectin helps to cleanse the body of toxins, toxins, cholesterol and carcinogens, and also normalizes the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract;

· Beta-carotene protects good vision, prevents retinal diseases.

And of course, in this vegetable caviar from zucchini, there is a lot of fiber, useful for healthy digestion and the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases.

If you cook squash caviar at home, then onions should be sent to the rest of the ingredients literally 5 minutes before the dish is ready - only in such a short period of time some of the nutrients in it will not have time to break down. For example, flavonoid quercetin, which has anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

In what cases will the squash caviar benefit?

Nutritionists unanimously rank squash caviar as the safest food

for those who are afraid of gaining excess weight and want to get rid of it, because it contains only 60-100 kcal per 100 g of product (depends on the composition and method of preparation).

Also, regular use of squash caviar has a positive effect on the following:

· Production and outflow of bile;

· The best absorption of iron from meat products and calcium from dairy;

· Water exchange of the epidermis;

· The work of the adrenal glands and kidneys;

· Condition (from health to beauty) of hair and nails;

· Metabolism in general.

Zucchini caviar cannot be attributed to powerful anti-stress products, but nevertheless, one can note its positive effect on the human nervous system, in the areas of increasing vitality and mood, improving sleep.

This vegetable caviar will be useful for expectant and lactating mothers, primarily due to potassium, the need for which during these important periods increases significantly, and the deficiency provokes edema, muscle cramps and general weakening of the body.

How canned goods look from which you can benefit from squash caviar

Whether to choose caviar produced in accordance with GOST or TU is a matter of taste. Actually, more often manufacturers choose the second, so it’s useful to look at the label - the maximum of natural ingredients in the product, as well as the absence of additives such as flour or starch, guarantee the best taste and maximum benefit of squash caviar.

It is categorically unacceptable to use a product (it doesn’t matter - a store or homemade) from a jar with a swollen lid - this indicates that the caviar is spoiled, pathogens are found in it and it is likely to become infected with botulism.

It is better to choose a snack made in late summer - in August-September - then fresh vegetables are let into it.

High-quality caviar from zucchini has an orange-yellow color, sometimes with shades and interspersed in its homogeneous consistency - it all depends on the composition and formulation.

Open canned snacks are stored in the refrigerator for up to three days, if a can was opened - caviar must be transferred to another container.

What is the harm of squash caviar

One of the main advantages of squash caviar is its high potassium content, which can result in negative consequences in the presence of kidney or bladder diseases, since they are almost always characterized by a violation of potassium metabolism.

There can be harm from squash caviar and with peptic ulcer of the stomach, gastritis with high acidity. In these cases, it is better to refuse it altogether.

But with gastritis with normal or low acidity, with diabetes mellitus and even with pancreatitis, there will be no harm from squash caviar if you use it a little bit - literally 50-100 g per day.

In order to get the maximum benefit from squash caviar, when treating it, it is important to abandon bread, even the best whole grain - this will provoke fermentation processes harmful to the digestive tract.


Watch the video: Food Stamped (June 2024).