Closed windows, door handles, coolers ... What else threatens our health in the office?


In the fall, when pathogenic bacteria just look for a reason to settle in your body, special attention should be paid to hygiene rules in the workplace. Bacilli love to settle on common objects: cooler, photocopiers, door handles. Forgot for a moment about the rules of hygiene and voila - any public object will become a source of an unpleasant, and, sometimes, protracted disease. To avoid this, it is enough to observe a number of elementary rules.

"Wash your hands ... always." The door handle is the first source of bacteria in the office. How many people go back and forth (and many of them don’t wash their hands after visiting the bathroom, yes!), Clutching at the handle of your office. Believe me, no antibacterial agent will protect you better than running water. If you use soap, which, according to doctors, destroys the microflora of the body, then use its liquid version. In order to prevent door handles, it is better to wipe it several times a day with alcohol wipes.

Keep your skin protected. Bacteria look for any vulnerabilities in your body. The first among them are the mucous membranes. To protect them from cunning bacilli, experts recommend treating the nostrils, lips and even the auricles with the well-known oxolinic ointment when leaving the apartment. It is not bad to rinse your nose with sea water during the day.

Also, in case of existing skin lesions (scratches, abrasions) after taking a shower, it is recommended to lubricate them with cosmetic oil, which can create a protective film that will close the "entrance" for bacteria.

Ventilate the room as often as possible. During the working day, do not be lazy and briefly open the window (while, of course, not forgetting about the danger of drafts). If for some reason it is impossible to open the window, take a shower with colleagues to buy an air humidifier.

Watch your clothing carefully. No need to dress warmer than necessary. As well as you don’t need to be too self-confident and go out without a hat when it is objectively cold outside. Hypothermia of the body leads to a violation of microcirculation in the vessels, which leads to the disease. If wet, be sure to dry the insoles on the battery. To protect clothing from germs, it is better to process it with hot steam.

Do not forget about good nutrition. Diets, improper water balance, lack of carbohydrates and fats lead to immunity decline. Therefore, doctors recommend drinking at least two liters of water per day, and eat small meals five times a day. It is imperative to maintain a balance of fats, carbohydrates and proteins (in the proportion of 20% / 60% / 20%).

Do not ignore your body signals. It turns out there is a direct connection between heartburn and the common cold. Surprised? Doctors say that if the organs of the gastrointestinal tract fail, this creates a direct corridor for the penetration of infection into the body. Existing digestive problems do not allow the body to fully absorb vitamins, even if it receives them in the required amount. And this is a direct blow to the immune system.

Doctors also recommend:

  • In the event of the onset of the disease, lie down for a couple of days at home. It is during this period that the virus is most active.
  • If it is difficult to understand the cause of the ailment, it is better to take a general blood test.
  • In case of weakened immunity, gastronomic excesses and alcohol should be abandoned.
  • During the cold, no one canceled the active use of "natural antibiotics": onions, garlic, honey and raspberry jam.


Watch the video: How Your Ceiling Fan Can Keep You Warm in Winter (June 2024).