April 19th: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays April 19th.


Holidays April 19

Snowdrop day

The very first, most gentle and snow-white snowdrop makes its way through the soil barely warmed by the spring sun. Galanthus is snow-white - this flower has this scientific name. With the "sunrise" of snowdrops, you involuntarily feel the final arrival of spring, and it does not matter that the window is still frosty, most importantly, their blooming brings with it a wonderful mood and symbolizes hope. After all, it is not for nothing that the snowdrop is the hero of various tales (recall the "Twelve Months") and legends.

For example, one of the legends says: when God expelled Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, it was snowing heavily, however, having regretted Eve, who was crying from the cold, the Lord turned snowflakes into flowers. Seeing the snowdrops, the girl immediately became cheerful and gained hope for the best. Hence the belief that the snowdrop is a symbol of hope spread.

There is a second legend according to which the goddess Flora, dressing up flowers for a fun carnival, suggested that a snowdrop put on a white robe. There was no suit for the snow, but he wanted to participate in the event so much that he asked the flowers for help. Many were afraid of the cold and scattered, and only the snowdrop, not afraid, extended a helping hand to the snow and covered it with its snow-white robe. Since then, snowdrops and snow have been inseparable. According to Russian legend, once the old woman Winter, together with the travelers Wind and Chill, blocked the path to Spring and ordered the flowers not to protrude from the ground. Many were afraid of the threats of Winter, except for the snowdrop. He disobeyed the ruler and made his way through the frozen soil. And when the Sun saw him, it warmed the earth and opened the way for Spring.

Every year on April 19, many countries celebrate Snowdrop Day. And this holiday was born in England in 1984. It symbolizes the arrival of sunny days, as well as the imminent onset of summer. Indeed, after you see these flowers in a clearing, spring flashes in your heart, and nothing is able to evict it from there, even a temporary return of cold weather. Many people love snowdrops, the British are especially sensitive to it, they plant it in private areas and city beds along with other domesticated flowers. The French and Germans call snowdrops bells, because in form they are.

Unfortunately, today, these flowers are becoming victims of human "love" and in the wild every year they are becoming less and less. The life of a ripped snowdrop is very short. It is important to always remember this and strive to protect snowdrops from extinction.

April 19th in the folk calendar

Yerema Proletny and Eutykh Quiet

On April 19, the Christian world commemorates the memory of two saints - Archbishop Eutychius of Constantinople (who lived in the sixth century) and the great martyr Jeremiah, who laid down his life for the faith in the third century.

By the weather of this day, the people judged about the future harvest of bread. The lack of wind was a good omen. As the peasants said: "If Eutychius is quiet today - this is for a good harvest of bread, and if the wind catches up Yerem, then he will spike the ears." In addition, wise people noticed that an apple tree usually begins to bloom on Eutyhius and Yeremu. In Russian folklore, this tree has always been considered a symbol of grace, innocence and pristine beauty. Today the hostesses worshiped the apple tree, cleaned and propped up its branches, whitened the trunk from the onslaught of harmful insects. In the evening, it was customary to serve baked apples to the table, if, of course, they were preserved until spring.

Historical events of April 19

April 19, 1563 - The Moscow printing house of the first printers Peter Mstislavets and Ivan Fedorov began its work

In 1564, the first Russian printed book called the Apostle was published. Peter Mstislavets and Ivan Fedorov took a direct part in its creation, thanks to which they went down in history as pioneers. Historians have proven that work on the "Apostle" was carried out for about a year. Many believe that it began on April 19, 1563. And such a long printing of the book is explained very simply - the primitiveness of the first equipment. "Apostle", after it was published, began to be actively used for teaching the clergy. The first printed book became a valuable model for subsequent editions. Researchers have clearly established that work on the book was conducted in an independent printing house.

April 19, 1935 - Foundation Day of the Spartak Voluntary Sports Society

The indicated date is the birthday of the legendary Spartak club, which won the love and approval of millions of Russian fans. The sports society "Spartacus" in several sports (football, water polo, hockey, chess, baseball, sports dancing, etc.) has repeatedly become the winner of various championships. By the way, the name "Spartak" was invented by one of its founders - N.P. Starostin.

April 19, 1943 - The beginning of the armed uprising of the prisoners of the Warsaw ghetto against the Nazis

The armed uprising of the prisoners of the Warsaw ghetto, which began in 1943, had the widest scale and was recognized as the most desperate. Four years before its start, fascist troops entered Warsaw, where at that time about 400,000 Jews lived. The Germans held mass anti-Jewish events, including forced labor, stigmatization of Jewish homes, shops and clothes, as well as confiscation of property and more. In 1940, the Germans set aside part of Warsaw under the Jewish ghetto, in which all the Jews of the city and near the surrounding area were imprisoned. Within two years, about half of the slaves died of starvation and disease. And in the spring of 1943, an armed uprising broke out in the ghetto. The Nazis suffered huge losses. For almost a month, the captives fought for their own freedom, but ultimately the resistance was crushed. Those who survived were taken out and destroyed.

Born on April 19

Alexander Ptushko (1900-1973 gg.) - Soviet film director, storyteller. Before joining the cinema, Ptushko managed to prove himself in the fields of journalism and art (he was an artist-decorator). Soon he became interested in creating puppet images, and a year later he made his debut as a director of a new series of animated films. His first work, and very successful, was the feature film "New Gulliver." In this film, along with his dolls, live actors also played. In addition to Gulliver, Ptushko shot a number of paintings, such as The Guy from Our City, Zoya, Sadko, The Scarlet Flower, Ilya Muromets, Ruslan and Lyudmila, and many others.

George Markov (1911-1991 gg.) - Soviet writer. Author of the novels “Salt of the Earth”, “Strogov”, “Siberia”, etc. Many of his works were subsequently filmed. Despite the fact that Markov was an influential literary functionary, twice awarded the “Hero of Socialist Labor”, he was known as a simple man and always remained a true patriot of his homeland.

Maria Sharapova(born in 1987) - Russian tennis player. Winner of the Open Championships in the USA (2006), Wimbledon (2004). In 2005, as well as 2007, she was the leader in the ranking of WTA tennis players.

April 19th

Name days on April 19th will be celebrated: Eutychius, Erem, Jacob, Plato, Arkhip, Gerold, Leon, Vladimir, Ivan, Lazar, Olga.


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (June 2024).