How to make dreams come true? Become a wizard yourself


It’s not so important what to dream about. Relax in Hawaii, grow an orange on the windowsill, read more, transform your style of dress.

A dream will not come true on its own. But about what is needed for its execution, mankind has been wondering for centuries. And all the practical work on this is not so difficult to combine into a set of rules and recommendations.

To begin with, it is very important to decide whether the dream is a natural desire or comes from necessity.

If you can’t see a promotion at work without English, learning it becomes a goal, albeit a great one, but a little less than a dream from the heart.

But to drink a cappuccino at dawn, stroking the llama in Peru on the scruff of the neck - this is a dream more, figuratively speaking, of "free flight".

However, most desires (of course, not contradicting the law) are worthy of fulfillment.

But the second of two categories cited with examples of psychologists recommend paying even more attention. Since the fulfillment / non-fulfillment of such aspirations has a strong supporting / destructive effect on the personality. This serves as a “marker” at a subconscious level for a sense of self-sufficiency, an understanding of the meaning of life.

Coach trainers and sorcerers agree that the dream is filled with the potential for realization, like a grain of life energy in the spring, when it is clearly recognized.

A few days, or even weeks, should be spent in order to "live" in the imagination.

If this is your own apartment, then in what cup will there be morning coffee, how will the sofa feel to the touch, and will the light in the hallway be harsh or soft? If this is the development of a new profession, how will the daily routine, circle of acquaintances change thanks to it, then what money will be enough for gifts? In a word, a dream should not be static.

Then it is useful to "disassemble" it into its components. What is needed besides willpower?


  • time (time management tutorials will help);
  • money (you can start a piggy bank, refuse an indispensable chocolate in the middle of the working day, find a side job);
  • materials (for example, for homemade jewelry you may need rare materials that need to be looked for a long time or pick up a worthy replacement for them);
  • circumstances / skills (for surfing on a wave, you can wait for a vacation at sea, but if you don’t even have the ability to swim yet, you need to look for a pool in your city).

Time is one of the most valuable and, most importantly, non-renewable resources in the world.

It is useful to immediately plan to devote a strictly defined number of hours per week for the fulfillment of dreams, evenly distributing them for several days according to their possibilities.

And regardless of size (learn to play chess or study the butterflies of Provence), any dream should be neatly divided into parts (not necessarily sequential), each with a logical beginning and end.

So, a draft plan for moving to Australia may include (but this is not all points):

  • learning English in the Australian version;
  • comparing existing education / skills with what you can earn a living in another country;
  • collecting reliable information about everyday life in your preferred country / region / city;
  • settlement of everything related to documents (obtaining the rights of a foreign sample, transfer of a diploma, verification of the legality of a contract with a future employer);
  • accumulation of the necessary amount of money for the move.

The last point is worth noting, and this also applies to any dreams, that it is not recommended to carry them out on credit, unless they are directly related to the possibilities of returning it. For example, a loan for tailoring dresses according to your sketches for an evening party is doubtful, but the same thing - for opening a coffee shop - is promising.

Even if the hustle and bustle of everyday life or problems has temporarily swallowed up - you should keep your dream a guiding light, a lighthouse in a stormy sea - there must be strength if you do not take practical steps for it, then at least - "recharge" from it with a positive psycho-emotional level.

And it happens that a dream ceases to excite, and then it is important to understand if this is not the result of emotional fatigue, when nothing happens. Then you should give yourself time, relax and return to work with renewed vigor.

If the desired has lost its attractiveness because the person simply changed tastes, found something more interesting and there are no serious reasons to keep the object of desire - it is better to let go of the dream, preserving the sweet aftertaste of memories. 

It is not the first year that people around the world have been surprised to note the almost mystical influence of the so-called “visualization albums” (they are also dream albums, goal collages).

It is recommended to start the thing not virtual (on the computer), but palpable (really a large format album will do) and be sure to look into it before going to bed (and a couple of times a week, under a cup of coffee, chamomile tea).

Here, on thick pages, they manually describe in paints how they fulfill fulfilled desires, and illustrate this with printed photos (drawings).

You can start a diary where every step you take is noted, misses are recorded and analyzed. In the long run, this will help to be inspired by your own achievements and remember what difficulties and how were overcome.

Signs and ceremonies

There are also ancient and legendary ways to “rush” the fulfillment of a dream. And for this it is not necessary to read grimoires in Latin. You can think about some signs and rites:

  • you can make time desire for a shooting star or moments between a flash of lightning and a thunderbolt;
  • another option is to keep on the windowsill of the kitchen (but not in line with the sink) money tree (fat) - if the dream is connected with financial well-being;
  • if the house has mirrors located opposite each other - you should move them so that the corridor effect disappeared (according to popular beliefs, he draws into the other world everything positive that a person could acquire in this);
  • one cannot boast much of one's success in fulfilling a dream - someone can jinx, "confuse" the good course of circumstances.

And it’s also useful to know in the face of “pests”, because of which any undertakings wither:

  1. Allowing relatives / friends / colleagues to ridicule (even kindly), criticize the dream, to encourage that everything will fail.
  2. Diminishing your goal compared to some patterns (for example, the sadness that while others are conquering Everest, you just want to roller skate in all the squares of the city).
  3. Striving for an impeccable result, especially if it is impossible to achieve it there will be serious consequences (do not think about learning how to cook a Black Forest cake for your husband’s birthday without thinking of alternatives).


Watch the video: Magic Meditation - What if you were a Wizard? Strengthen your mind power! (June 2024).