Useful properties of delicious pineapple for the body. Scopes, advantage and harm of a pineapple - a mysterious tropical fruit


Pineapple, which has a maximum of useful properties, refers to the large-choke species. Its birthplace is Brazil. But besides this country the fruit is grown on a large scale in Costa Rica, Thailand and the Philippines.

Caloric content of pineapple and its chemical composition

100 grams of pineapple only 50 kcal. In addition to the fact that pineapple calorie is so small, it also has a positive effect on the digestive process, which makes it an indispensable component of a diet for weight loss.

The benefits of pineapple due to its rich chemical composition:

• Sucrose;

• Provitamin A;

• Vitamins B1, B2, B12;

• PP;

• Vitamin C;

• Calcium;

• Potassium;

• Magnesium;

• Iron;

• Zinc;

• Copper;

• Iodine;

• Manganese;

• Bromelin;

• Papain.

Pineapple: what is the benefit for the body?

In order to increase the enzymatic activity of the stomach, it is enough to drink a glass of useful pineapple juice or eat one slice of its pulp. It helps with digestive disorders or if you want to lose weight. Bromelain and papain, which are part of a tropical fruit, contribute to the rapid breakdown of proteins and fats. It saves and when overeating - a slice of pineapple will help to quickly get rid of the feeling of a heavy stomach, after a heavy meal.

Often, in the process of losing weight, the problem is the retention of excess fluid in the body. Get rid of it allows a high content of potassium salts in the pineapple pulp. The same beneficial properties of pineapple eliminate swelling and fight against thrombosis.

Eating pineapple pulp or its juice will help gently clean the intestines.

Those who are swayed in vehicles and during flights, pineapple juice will help get rid of the feeling of nausea.

Given the composition of pineapple, rich in vitamins and microelements, its benefits to the body are quite extensive. With its regular use in food, it is possible to maintain a healthy nervous and cardiovascular systems, normalize the level of hemoglobin in the blood and reduce its viscosity, monitor the healthy state of the hair, teeth and the entire musculoskeletal system. The beneficial properties of pineapple help to strengthen the immune system and strengthen it.

Pineapple: what is the harm to health?

Harm of pineapple due to the high content of acids and simple sugars. Abusing desserts and juice from a tropical crested fruit can be provoked:

• Destruction of tooth enamel and acid burn of mucous tissues in the oral cavity;

• Irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, up to the development of an ulcer;

• Prerequisites for the development of diabetes.

To avoid undesirable consequences will help a simple sense of proportion.

There are also contraindications, neglecting which from the pineapple can be obtained only harm to health:

• Diseases of the stomach;

• Diabetes.

Pineapple for children: good or bad?

Pineapple is quite allergenic product for babies under the age of one year. When the child is 8 months old, you can consult with the leading pediatrician at the time of the introduction of such feeding in the infant diet. Surely a new taste of tropical delicacies will appeal to little gourmets. With the appearance of undesirable reactions, it is necessary to postpone a treat with pineapple until more adult age.

For older children, pineapple with its beneficial properties is a real find. Actively growing body requires a large number of trace elements and vitamins for its harmonious and comprehensive development. Pineapple just has the very benefits for children's health, which is difficult to fill with other fruits and berries in the winter, for example.

In order to avoid the negative effects of the acids contained in the pineapple pulp, it is not necessary to give it to the child on an empty stomach. It will be much more useful if it is a delicious dessert or drunk juice in the process of eating.

The benefits and harm of pineapple during pregnancy and during breastfeeding

During pregnancy, it is useful for the future mother to expand her diet by adding as many fruits, berries, and vegetables as possible. But tropical fruits are unlikely to occupy a leading position, given the allergenicity. If the doctor does not find reasons for restriction in pineapples, then it is not necessary to completely abandon them, but it is important not to lose the sense of proportion. Only such an approach will protect the baby from possible allergies to citrus fruits in the future.

With regards to the breastfeeding period, the nursing mother should abandon pineapples until her baby is half a year old. Then you can try to eat a small slice of pineapple pulp and follow the reaction of the child's body. Rashes on the cheeks or changes in the formation and frequency of the baby’s stool suggest that you shouldn’t experiment yet, as pineapples will only cause harm so far.

Pineapples are fresh or canned: where is more benefit?

Calorie canned pineapple is slightly different from fresh - 83 kcal per 100 grams. This happens due to the fact that the peeled slices are immersed in a special syrup, and then preserved. This approach allows you to save all the beneficial properties of pineapple.

From this we can conclude that the benefits of fresh and canned pineapple are identical. But when choosing the latter, it is necessary to take into account that the qualitative composition indicated on the bank includes only three positions: water, sugar, pineapples. The presence of preservatives indicates an unscrupulous manufacturer and a product hazardous to health.

Choosing a fresh pineapple you need to pay attention to the degree of its maturity. Ripe pineapple is distinguished by a moving leafy cap and the presence of a light mold on the bottom of the stems. The fruit is slightly soft, has a yellow-brown color and a pleasant sweet aroma. This pineapple has ripened, it is good for the body, and it can be eaten. Unripe fruit is hard, has a greenish tint and dull aroma. The taste of such a pineapple is unpleasant, it burns lips and tongue with its acid. When ingested in the digestive system, unripe pineapple acids can be harmful in the form of severe irritation of the mucous membranes and, subsequently, a laxative effect.

Pineapples in cooking: calorie

Pineapples are widely used in cooking. Of them are preparing desserts and drinks, they are added to salads, meat dishes and pastries. Depending on the dish, the fruit does not lose its beneficial properties, but the caloric content of the pineapple varies:

• Pineapple juice - 48 kcal;

• Compote with pineapples - 71 kcal;

• Salads with pineapples - up to 165 kcal;

• Chicken with pineapples - 96 kcal;

• Pineapple candied - 90 kcal;

• Pineapple muffins - 286 kcal;

• Chocolate with pineapple in the filling - 498 kcal;

• Dietary yogurt with pineapples - up to 80 kcal.

The benefits of pineapples in cosmetology

On the shelves of pharmacies and supermarkets you can find a lot of creams, ointments and tonic lotions, which include pineapple extract. But in order to evaluate the healing properties of this tropical fruit, it is enough to purchase only him.

Holders of oily skin should wipe their face daily with a small piece of fresh pineapple. Juice, penetrating into the pores, inhibits their production of skin fat secretion and narrows them. The skin acquires a smooth texture and matte tone. In addition, pineapple has an antimicrobial effect that will prevent the formation of acne.

Useful properties of pineapple invigorate fading skin, if you daily wipe your face with a slice of fruit.

Pineapple is able to save even the roughest corns and corns. In order to soften the hardened place, you need to attach a piece of pineapple pulp to it, firmly fix and leave for the night. After such a compress, the problem area of ​​the skin will become more pliable and will be easier to process and cut off.

Non-standard use of pineapples: spinning art

Caring for pineapples in the process of their cultivation is very difficult and even dangerous. A person working on a pineapple plantation must wear special equipment to protect his body from cuts and thrusts by prickly bushes. For faster flowering and high-quality fruits, use special fertilizers. Daily hand care for the wide expanses of pineapple fields.

Of course, in the 16th century, precautions were kept to a minimum or were completely absent. But by this, in contact with a tropical plant, the Indians noticed that the leaves have many fibers in their structure. After numerous attempts and tests, a method was found to get a cloth from the leaves of a pineapple bush. This process is very laborious and lengthy. After all, it was first necessary to remove the fibers from the leaves, then dry them in the open air, and only then were taken to the fabric manufacture. The finished canvas was very light and slightly transparent. Having ivory color, the fabric was easy to color in any color, and when contaminated it was easy to wash, keeping its strength.

In antiquity, only royal persons were honored to receive dresses made of aerial delicate pineapple matter. Today, some famous fashion designers create their elite collections of clothes using exclusively fabrics made from pineapple leaves.

Well, there is the production of pineapple paper. And some countries of the world, such as, for example, Scotland, America or Thailand, respect the useful and tasty pineapple so much that they use its forms in architecture and devote holidays to this fruit from the hot tropics. In China, pineapple symbolizes wealth in the house.

We just love to enjoy this berry from the jungle. Or celebrate the New Year with a glass of champagne and a pineapple slice. By the way, this tradition came to us from Germany.


Watch the video: Творог на ночь. Польза и вред творога (June 2024).