The meaning of the name Irina


Name Irina (Orina, Arina) came from the Greek words, which translate as "peace", "peace".

Irina Fedorovna - wife of Tsar Fedor Ioannovich, sister of Boris Godunov. Her marriage took place in 1580 at the behest of Ivan the Terrible and served as a new stepping stone for Godunov’s exaltation. In 1598, after the death of Fyodor Ivanovich, the boyars swore allegiance to Irina, fearing the misfortunes of the interregnum, but on the ninth day she left for the Novodevichy Convent. There she died in 1603.

Irina - character traits

Irina is a simple, joyful, tender and feminine name. Women wearing it are distinguished by receptivity, activity and intelligence.

Irina is not sentimental, she has a tough character. At the same time, he easily finds a common language with others, behaves unchained in an unfamiliar company. Irina is sharp and direct in statements and judgments, she is a good, or rather, an ingenious hostess.

Throughout her life, Irina creates the image of an independent, cold and business woman, hiding her vulnerable soul, loving heart, desire for peace and solitude, exuberant imagination.

The character of Irina is directed from the depths into the distance and has her own faith and opinion. Since ancient times, Irina has been considered a symbol of common sense and peacemaking in Russia, as it has a delicate taste, a balance in actions and words.

With her impeccable behavior, Irina often annoys others. Very faithful to friendship and disinterested in it. Good and not vindictive, but reacts to insults or grievances sharply and very sharply. In the world, Irina affirms herself through love.

She is interested in detectives and science fiction, sports. In any company, even male, feels and behaves freely, will not mind drinking light alcohol. Irina loves holidays and feasts.

Irina - name compatibility

Irina will be happy in marriage with Boris, Andrey, Leonid, Ivan, Stepan and Sergey. Konstantin, Dmitry, Roman and Valery are less suitable for her.

Irina - famous people who bore this name

Celebrities such as Kupchenko, Allegrova, Slutskaya, Khakamada, Alferova, Miroshnichenko, Selezneva, Rodnina, Jordan, Bogacheva, Ponarovskaya, Bugrimova, Sokolova, Zaitseva and Bogacheva have this noble name.

Irina - interesting facts about the name

Irina is a very popular name and is among the top five in terms of prevalence, especially in cities.


I have a girlfriend, Irina. Everything is written to the point! The following comments are written by those people who either superficially know Irin, or do not really know them. I am very proud of such a friend. Irina really value friendship and completely disinterestedly. But there is a big BUT. This is for true friendship. It is very difficult to fall under this word, as a rule, usually for Irin you are just comrades, friends or just interlocutors. Irina can only have one girlfriend for her whole life. In public, it’s solid, straightforward (and this rare quality makes me happy, why bother and invent something when it’s better to tell the truth to the person, albeit not very pleasant, but judge for yourself, let it offend you, but you will know what you need to fix it if it hurts you, not stupid assent and comments, but everyone knows the truth in their souls. You know, thanks to such people the world is getting better.) Moreover, they don’t want to harm a person by putting the sick on, and just tell the truth, and if you correct it it will be for you then just glad you just don’t know about it ...

Maria 04/09/2016
In the company, Irina behave quite relaxed. Cheerful and sociable. But, provided that there is at least one close person nearby. Irina feels best on her territory. There they are mistresses, and this is enough to discard coldness and other not very pleasant sides.

Irina 04/09/2016
Yes, it happens that Irina thinks of herself more than she really is. Cold outside, but warm inside))) Thus, Irina are trying to protect and protect themselves from disappointment. It seems to be like - it does not bother me at all. But, with close, verified communication, Irina become open.

Darina 04/09/2016
At the expense of the coldness of the image - this is so, but at the expense of the fact that in my soul, somewhere deep there, Irina is all kind and gentle - I completely disagree! Irins love to show their superiority (even if it does not really exist). In communication, I don’t really like Irina.

Lyudmila 04/09/2016
Irin, there is such a feature - to say unpleasant things in the face. This is completely incomprehensible to me, because basically, a person already knows about his shortcomings, and once again reminding him of this is completely useless. Irina does not differ in tact.


Watch the video: Irina Shayk Hercules - Interview - Craig Ferguson (June 2024).