The correct use of weight loss exercises at home. Review of the best exercises for weight loss in the abdomen


How many exercises for losing weight do you know, but is it beneficial?

Classes of effective exercises at home can be as productive as in the gym, you only need the right approach and the result will not keep you waiting!

Many people think that you can lose weight in the zone we want.

However, there are no exercises for losing weight in the abdomen.

Pumping up or twisting falsely are considered effective exercises for losing weight. It is necessary to maintain the body in good shape and fight body fat. Only cardio workouts will help you remove extra centimeters in volumes.

Jogging is the easiest and cheapest of effective exercises for losing weight.

Running provides holistic weight loss of the body, trains the heart and charges you with good mood for the whole day. You can run both on the treadmill and in the fresh air. It is better to start running in the warm seasons of the year when the body is not so susceptible to the disease.

You need to run when it is convenient for you and not force the body in the early morning, so you can be disappointed in the exercises for losing weight and abandon all workouts. But 10-20 minute jogging is ineffective. Fat burning begins only after a run of 40 minutes or more.

In effective exercises for losing weight, you need perseverance and intensity. You can start a jog with a jog, a little warm up, switch to squats, turns and tilts of the body, and then continue to run at an accelerated pace. The body burns body fat only after the breakdown of carbohydrates, so the duration of the workout is important. Greater results can be achieved by running up the hills. It is proved that after an interval run, fat is burned for a certain time and it is more effective for weight loss. Its essence lies in the alternation of a moderate pace (1-2 minutes) to accelerate. Such a run not only fights fat, but also strengthens the muscles, sprinting intervals of 50-400 m also help in this.

It is important to pay attention to running techniques and comfortable shoes so that they are perfect in the foot. The safest option is toe running, reduces the load on the ankle. You also need to monitor your posture and not slouch.

Abdominal Slimming Exercise - Bike

The bicycle serves not only as a means of transportation, but also is an excellent assistant for exercises for losing weight. For productive workouts, you need to give them a lot of time. With effective exercises for losing weight, it takes 1-1.5 hours of physical activity 5 times a week.

The amount of calories burned depends on mobility. It’s better to start with a light warm-up and drive slowly for about 5-10 minutes, then pedaling 80% of your ability to accelerate the pace and return to normal mode again. This technique allows you to quickly burn body fat and speed up metabolism, which we achieve through effective exercises to lose weight.

When we ride a bicycle, we have a muscle group of the lower body involved. Training and an increase in these muscles affects the metabolism even in a relaxed state and leads to rapid disposal of the abdomen.

In the gym on an exercise bike, you can adjust the intensity of pressing the pedal and also apply interval training. Alternating fast and ordinary phases, a load result is noticeable 10-12 times.

If there is a pond or river near the house, then even swimming can be called a type of exercise for losing belly at home.

In this case, you do not need to be able to swim deep and be afraid of something. It is important not how you swim, but with what intensity. Gradually changing high and moderate intensity, fat is burned.

First you need to do a warm-up, the main thing is to stretch your shoulders and arms. When swimming, it is imperative to monitor breathing, as with all cardio loads. Accelerating the pace, the pulse of a person accelerates. To combat fat, you need to swim with a pulse level of 60% - 90% of the maximum. This is calculated by subtracting your age from 220 and multiplying the result by 60% -90%. It is better to maintain a pace of about 10 minutes and increase it each time. Such training should be repeated 3-5 times a week.

Be sure to consult with your doctor before starting such classes and if the classes are held outdoors, and not in the pool, then it is better where there are people, in which case they can help.

Fat Burning Tips

The level of breakdown of carbohydrates does not depend on the type of physical activity or weight loss program, but on the heart rate at which exercises are performed.

The pulse should not be either too weak or not too high.

Obese people do not have a habit of exertion. In the initial stages, you need to monitor the pulse, because accelerating the heart to 170 per minute can lead to negative consequences.

No matter what intense exercise you do, you need to adjust your diet before starting a training course. Diet gives half of the final result of losing weight. The choice of activity in the first place should be easily accessible. You do not need to calculate calories every day, it is better to walk at a fast pace.

As already mentioned above, using strength exercises to lose belly at home alone cannot solve the problem.

An integrated approach and involvement of almost all muscle groups is needed. No weekly diets that promise a flat stomach for 7 days do not work, they will only help to gain extra pounds later. Moreover, you should not take a variety of drugs for weight loss.

Everyone has everything necessary to perform exercises for losing weight at home. This is a little time for yourself beloved and serious intentions.

Abdominal Slimming Exercises At Home - Circular Workouts

The most effective workouts that everyone can afford at home is circular training. They not only work out muscles, but also reduce weight, and we set this goal every Monday, promising to take care of ourselves. Circular training is an alternation of strength and cardio loads.

The end result of such a training is working out all the muscles, we don’t stop at just one thing, but tone up the whole body, only in this case you can achieve the result and lose weight. Exercise machines and free weights are suitable for exercise. However, it is worth recalling that this training does not set itself the goal of building muscle mass, all exercises need to be performed quickly enough and a lot of weight is not suitable, since it makes it difficult to complete.

To perform a circular workout, about 10 exercises are individually selected that cover all parts of the body. We repeat one circle 3-4 times with a break for rest in 30 seconds. If the exercises are performed at a fast pace, rest is increased to 1 minute.

Even if you study at home, it is better to consult a professional, as trainers mostly prefer exercise equipment and recommend them for beginners. Exercise machines are designed for safe and comfortable workouts.

For training with dumbbells, experience is needed so as not to harm yourself. Exercises with free weights are recommended for people who are physically fit.

Such a workout in a circle is even more popular than a workout with cardio exercises. This is because it is suitable for almost all people. The principle of training in a circle suits everyone, regardless of gender. The program differs only in that the female gender pays more attention to the problematic zone of the lower body, and men are concentrated on the upper.

Circular training perfectly copes with the task of burning fat, stimulates an increase in physical strength, each muscle is worked out in the process of exercise, but it does not increase, as in a training with heavy weights, strengthening of the heart and blood vessels can also be added to training, and most importantly You can do it at home. Of course, it is not suitable for those who want Schwarzenegger muscles, so before you begin to perform a particular physical exercise, you need to find out for what purpose it serves.

Circuit Training Rules

First, we develop a training plan, it should include several exercises. It is important to choose 3-4 exercises for each muscle group. As with any other workout, you need to do a little warm-up to warm up, about 5-10 minutes. There is no need to rush in this matter, the level of success of the exercises depends on the quality of the workout. Only after a good warm-up can you start the workout.

Warm up: start from the neck, light circular head rotations 6-7 times in 2 directions, then swing to the sides, back and forth, go to the shoulders and arms, it can be circular rotation of the arms from the shoulder or swing in the sides, side, tilts of the upper body to the left, right, forward and backward, as well as rotation around its axis. Do not forget about the legs, swing the legs with their legs to the sides and run in place with their knees raised high. Stretch a little, you can make a fold a book.

You need to start doing exercise with the simplest. You can perform from ten to fifty repetitions in one circle, when a full circle is completed, about one minute is given for rest. One workout should not last more than thirty minutes, in another case there is a risk of muscle loss. The frequency of classes does not exceed 2-3 per week, it is very important to give the muscles a break between workouts, the interval should be at least two days.

To train at home, your weight is enough. You can start with squats, legs apart and keeping your back straight, squat perpendicular to the floor, it is important to ensure that the level of the knees does not go beyond the toe.

Push-ups stimulate the tone of the whole body, you can start in the bar from the knees, if the hands are not used to the stress, the main thing is to keep your back straight. The next item is jumping, it can be either asterisk jumping or squat jumping, if the apartment allows and there is a lot of space, it’s better to use a jump rope. Without rest, we lie down on the floor, knees up, hands behind his head and swing the press.

You should never forget about breathing, we do everything on an exhale. We straighten the legs and raise them up, swinging the lower press. Without getting up, we continue the exercise “bicycle”, in childhood it seemed funny, and now we also see the effectiveness. Swinging legs can be done while lying on the floor, turning on its side, or in an upright position, holding, for example, the back of a chair. Lunges are a very powerful exercise, take one step forward, linger and squat, the angle of bend of the knee should be ninety degrees. We continue to do a two-leg approach. And the last exercise is running, intense running in place for a few minutes. At the end of the workout, doubly jogging on the street will be useful. This continued workout will contribute to even faster fat burning.


Watch the video: Shaun T's 5-Minute Fat-Blasting Workout (June 2024).