The ovary hurts during pregnancy, causes pain. What to do if the left ovary hurts during pregnancy?


Pregnancy is a special condition of the female body in which habitual phenomena can be perceived a little differently.

For example, if before something hurt, the girl might not have paid attention to it, but now, everything that happens is much more exciting.

Below we will examine why the right ovary hurts during pregnancy, what to do and how to alleviate its condition.

Ovarian pain during pregnancy: causes

Fortunately, many of the painful sensations that occur in pregnant women do not pose any threat, since they are just a consequence of physiological processes. Below we look at why the left ovary hurts during pregnancy:

1. A sense of discomfort occurs in the early stages of pregnancy. At this point, the ovum falls into the uterus, then it begins to invade the mucous membrane.

2. After some time after pregnancy, the uterus begins to increase in size and compresses the internal organs. Many women feel like their ovaries are sore, but in reality this is just a sprain.

3. Pregnant women do not care enough about their health, because of this there is a disorder in many organs, including the ovaries.

4. Doctors say that in many respects everything depends on the number of pregnancies and the age of the future woman in labor. For example, the left ovary most often hurts during pregnancy in young girls, aged 18-27 years, during the first pregnancy.

5. Changes in the hormonal background, they will occur in the body of every woman after pregnancy.

Tingling the ovary at the time of pregnancy can also be done if artificial stimulation was made during IVF. This phenomenon is considered normal. In order not to scare yourself with such symptoms and not cheat, it is important to contact a medical institution.

Unfortunately, this is not all the reasons why the ovaries hurt, there are also pathological pains.

Ectopic pregnancy

Not always pain in the ovary is harmless in nature. Sometimes this is the result of a serious illness or pathology. For example, if the ovary hurts during pregnancy, the cause may be an ectopic pregnancy. It occurs when the fetal egg attaches to another organ, and not to the endometrium of the uterus. You can detect such a pregnancy at an early stage.

The development of the inflammatory process

A sensation of pain in the right or left ovary during pregnancy can occur due to an inflammatory process. During the period of carrying the baby, it is quite difficult to cure the ailment, since taking medications can be dangerous. That is why it is necessary to regularly undergo an examination with a gynecologist and timely identify all diseases.

Causes of pain not related to inflammation

Discomfort can occur not only due to inflammation, but also due to the development of other diseases:

• formation of tumors;

• polycystic;

• apoplexy.

If pain occurs, the doctor should examine the woman in order to identify the exact cause of the discomfort.

Psychological factors

The reasons why the ovaries hurt during pregnancy include some psychological factors. In the event that the remaining causes are disproved, it will be necessary to be examined by a psychiatrist. Pregnancy is a rather complicated condition, which is reflected completely in the entire condition of a woman. This condition can also affect overall well-being.

Left ovary hurts during pregnancy: what to do

Only a doctor can find out the exact cause of the appearance of pain in the ovary in a pregnant woman. Self-medicating, and even more so letting it go by itself, is by no means impossible. The following symptoms should alert the expectant mother:

1. Pain of a different nature - pulling, acute, at a certain time of the day it intensifies.

2. Symptoms of pain do not last for a day, while it does not become less.

3. Vaginal discharge appears slightly brown or red.

4. General condition worsens, body temperature rises.

5. The stomach becomes hard.

6. A feeling of severe heaviness in the lower abdomen.

Those women who visited the medical institution, underwent examination and passed tests, must follow certain recommendations of the attending physician:

1. If you experience pain, carefully lie on your back and relax as much as possible, breathe deeply, try at this moment to think about something pleasant. If ovarian pain occurs due to stress or fatigue, these actions will help relieve unpleasant symptoms.

2. In order to relieve stress from the ligaments that support the uterus, you can apply a warm compress. Keep track of the temperature of the item, it should not be hot.

3. If the gestational age is very short, then the attending physician may recommend some exercises. No need to be afraid to perform them, since a small load on the contrary will strengthen the body and certainly will not harm the child.

4. Since the pain can come not from the ovary, but from the intestine, pay attention to what you eat. Discard those foods that cause gas formation. Nutrition for a pregnant woman should be correct, only healthy foods.

5. Try to completely eliminate all annoying factors. Thanks to this, you will be able to avoid nervous tension, depression and poor health.

It is strictly forbidden to take any medications without the permission of a doctor, all this can affect the child.

Left ovary hurts during pregnancy: folk remedies

If ovarian pain during pregnancy causes severe discomfort and prevents a woman from leading a full life, it is necessary to try to eliminate it. Since it is impossible to use drug treatment, you can use folk remedies. Many doctors approve of their use, as natural products do not harm the fetus and help to cope with pain well.

So, use the following recipes:

1. Two spoonfuls of goose cinquefoil, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, put everything to infuse for one hour. After the medicine is prepared, strain it and drink it twice a day, half a glass before meals.

2. If the doctor has detected inflammation of the ovaries, you can prepare a tincture of blueberries, for this, brew one tablespoon of berries with boiling water. Let it brew for half an hour, then take 1/2 cup twice a day.

3. Linden has a good anti-inflammatory effect. Pour a few tablespoons of berries with one liter of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain and drink one teaspoon three times a day.

4. Tincture of lemon balm. It is prepared as follows - 4 tablespoons of raw materials are poured into a glass of hot water. The medicine should be infused for one hour, then strain and drink half a glass, two to three times a day.

5. In order to get rid of the disease that causes a lot of discomfort, brew a yarrow. Take a spoonful of dry grass and fill it with 250 ml of boiling water, put on a slow fire and boil for 10 minutes. Before drinking such a drug, cool it.

6. Blackcurrant and rosehip. Take the fruits of both plants in the same amount, separate 20 grams and brew with hot water. Tincture should be infused for one hour. After this time, strain everything, add some honey and drink like tea.

Left ovary pain during pregnancy: prevention

Prevention of pain in the ovary is possible only when there are no pathologies in the ovary. You must first visit a medical institution, undergo an examination, and consult with your doctor again. Follow these guidelines:

1. Do not miss a single appointment with the gynecologist, take all the tests on time.

2. Try not to be in stressful situations, avoid quarrels, your psychological state should be normal.

3. Watch your weight, of course, you can’t go on a diet in any case, since nutrition is necessary not only for you, but also for the child, but eating too much is also not worth it.

4. Watch what you eat. Refuse too greasy and salty foods, drink enough fluids.

It is impossible to treat severe pains in the ovaries on their own, since the cause may lie in the development of a serious disease. In most cases, the strength of the pain is small, and it does not do any harm. Try to move more, change your body position more often when lying down.

Remember that only your gynecologist can determine the origin of the pain. In order for you to be calm for your health and the health of your child, be examined in time!


Watch the video: Ovarian Cysts. Q&A with Dr. Wang (June 2024).