July 29: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays July 29th.


Holidays July 29

Romania celebrates National Anthem Day

In the history of Romania, starting in 1866, this is the fifth national anthem of the country. It was established in 1989. Poems were written by the Romanian poet Andrei Muresanu. According to the official version, the poet and singer Anton Pann put them on music. According to the unofficial - the melody is a processing of the church anthem, which was made by a friend of Muresana - George Uchenescu. One thing is certain for sure that both poetry and music were created in the middle of the 19th century. The anthem consists of eleven verses, four of which are necessarily performed in especially solemn occasions. It is noteworthy that the current national Romanian anthem Deşteaptă-te, române! ", Or" Awake, Romanian! ", Was used as a national anthem in neighboring Moldova from 1991 to 1994.

July 29 on the folk calendar


On Finogeev day, summer stepped over the sultry season and turned into autumn. The song of the birds subsided. But the main event for the peasants was the harvest of rye. The first compressed sheaf was given great importance. Its grains were considered medicinal for people, and straw for cattle. They called such a sheaf a birthday, and used for treatment and rituals. Squeeze it was necessarily the oldest woman in the family. It was decorated with wildflowers and carried to the house to songs. They were kept under the icons, in the red corner of the hut. Threshing began with a birthday sheaf, and a handful of its grains were reserved for the next sowing. Athenogenes watched the weather and signs. If the tops of carrots were on the carrot beds, rains were expected. If there were fogs, it was possible in the coming days to gather mushrooms in the forest. During this period, they became among the peasants one of the main dishes on the table. They cooked soup, fried meatballs, made caviar, added to potatoes, pancakes, buckwheat.

Historical events of July 29

July 29, 1963 the prototype of the first Soviet jet passenger aircraft Tu-134 set off

On regular flights, TU-134 began to operate since 1967. For a long time it was considered the most popular and massive Soviet airliner intended for flights over short and medium distances. Its serial production was carried out at the Kharkov Aviation Plant since 1965. to 1984 Over 19 years, 852 liners have been produced for the domestic market and socialist camp countries. Despite the successful design, the aircraft had one significant drawback - noisy engine operation. For which NATO called him "Annoying," and the Soviet pilots - "whistle."

July 29, 1974 under the Office of the KGB of the USSR, a specialized group "Alpha" was created

Her tasks included solving problems of increased complexity, including numbers in extreme situations. Such as the release of hostages, the fight against terrorism, the prevention of terrorist attacks, the seizure of diplomatic missions, security and other important facilities. The group could act both on and outside the territory of the Soviet Union. The Alpha Group initially had six divisions - three in the Russian Federation and one each in Kiev, Alma-Ata, and Minsk. Candidates were rigorously selected for health and mental health. They should have been cold-blooded in any situation, optimistic, emotionally stable, not afraid of confined space, water, darkness, altitude, fire. Alpha participated in many special operations: the exchange of Luis Corvalan for dissident Bukovsky in Zurich in 1976, the exchange of two Soviet intelligence officers for five dissidents in the United States in 1979, and the storming of the palace of dictator Amin in Afghanistan in 1979, ensured the safety of the Moscow Olympics in 1980. , freed the hostages in Beslan in 2004. and others.

July 29, 1981 married heir to the British throne and kindergarten teacher

It was a beautiful couple and a magical, just fabulous wedding. It could not be otherwise, because Charles, the son of the Queen of England herself, married. Although the bride worked as an ordinary educator, she could not be called a commoner. It was the earl's daughter, Lady Diana Spencer. Royal blood also flowed in her: her father's ancestors descended from the children of King Charles II, though illegitimate. The wedding was attended by about 3,500 thousand dignitaries and famous guests. The ceremony was watched on television by more than seven hundred million people. In the country on this day a national holiday was declared. In the history of the United Kingdom, this wedding was the most expensive, and cost taxpayers about three million pounds. Unfortunately, the tale of a beautiful life had a sad ending. Since 1992 the family ceased to exist in fact, and in 1996. divorced officially. A tragic chord was struck on August 31, 1997, when Lady Diana died in a car accident.

Born on July 29

Benito Mussolini (1883 - 1945), Italian statesman

Not always become tyrants. Sometimes they are born. For example, like Benito Mussolini. Little Benito from childhood was distinguished by violent, uncontrollable behavior. He was vindictive, vindictive, impudent and cruel. At school, he tried to manage not only classmates, but also older children. Once, for disobedience, he stabbed a high school student. The main life goal of Benito was the desire to possess absolute power over people. He believed that a “strong herd” should be managed by a strong personality, the only way to build a prosperous society in the country. Having come to power, he established a fascist regime in Italy, considering it an ideal means for managing people. Despite the totalitarian regime prevailing in Italy and the cult of personality, Mussolini did a lot of useful things for the citizens of his country. He managed to reduce unemployment, drain the territory of the Pontic marshes, populating it with peasants, lay and equip the Circeo National Park, solve the Roman question, and almost defeat the mafia. During the Second World War, having entered into an alliance with Hitler, Mussolini engaged his country in military operations. It was his mistake, which led to the collapse of the Mussolini regime in Italy, and the death of Benito himself.

Igor Krutoy (born 1954), Russian composer, producer, singer

From childhood, Krutoy was drawn to music. At school, he played in an instrumental ensemble, and he learned to play the button accordion on his own. This is after, a talented boy entered a music school, and began to study musical notation. Later he graduated with honors from the College of Music in Kirovograd, the Music and Pedagogical Institute in Nikolaev and the Conservatory in Saratov. While studying in Nikolaev, I met with Alexander Serov, then still an ordinary musician. In 1987 Cool writes for his friend the song "Madonna", which was awarded at the competition "Song of the Year" and brought him, as a composer, all-Union popularity. In parallel with his creative work, Igor Krutoy became interested in the production as well: he headed the ARS company. Under his leadership, ARS has become one of the most prosperous producer organizations in Russia. She is the producer of such musical programs as "Hot Ten", "Song of the Year", "Good Morning, Country" and others. Today, Igor Krutoy is a sought-after and popular composer, with whom the first stars of the Russian pop art dream to collaborate. They know that every melody written by him is a 100% hit, because the hand of the Maestro touches the notes.

Name day July 29

Name Day Celebrate: Peter, Ivan, Pavel, Fedor, Athenogen, Valentina, Julia, Alevtina, Matron


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