The magic remedy is camomile for the face. How to use chamomile broth for the face


Each girl, having barely felt her belonging to the female sex, then strives to be beautiful throughout her life, and if some parts of the body can sometimes not receive the necessary care, then they all pay close attention to the face.

Often the improper or excessive use of cosmetics, an unbalanced diet, and a genetic predisposition can become factors that influence skin problems.

Then, in a fit of despair, women turn to a natural pharmacy, where one of the most affordable and at the same time the most effective means in this pharmacy is chamomile.

Universal in its simplicity face camomile

Chamomile is a very simple-looking flower. But behind this external simplicity lies a very complicated composition of various substances and trace elements. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties. It can be used as a wound healing and antifungal agent. It is hypoallergenic, which means that it can be used in cases where other drugs are contraindicated. Due to the organic acids contained in it, it moisturizes the skin and helps lighten age spots. And polysaccharides, which are rich in chamomile, help the skin retain moisture, covering it with a protective film. For the preparation of various infusions of chamomile, only its flowers are used. It’s best if the petals of the plucked flower are located horizontally in relation to the core and not down. Chamomile is a real ambulance for various skin problems. From fatigue caused by an excess of ultraviolet radiation, to acne and high fat content.

A few reasons to use camomile for your face

Chamomile can be used by people of any age with any type of skin. It has a therapeutic effect on a wide variety of skin problems.

• Soothes irritated skin;

• Moisturizes and prevents further loss of moisture to dry skin;

• Treats acne and soothes irritated skin;

• In the presence of age spots may act as a bleaching agent;

• It can be an excellent tool for removing puffiness and circles under the eyes;

• Visually rejuvenates the skin, smoothes fine wrinkles;

• Solves the problems of shine and oily skin;

• When insect bites, chamomile relieves itching and swelling.

Variants of using a camomile decoction for a face

Chamomile can be used in different ways: in the form of compresses from its decoction, tinctures and lotions, ice cubes with chamomile for the face and as part of various masks. You can steam your face over a decoction of chamomile before performing other cosmetic procedures. The choice of method depends on the problem you want to solve. It is important to know how to properly wipe your face with chamomile.

• For normal skin.

To maintain healthy facial skin and give it tenderness, you can wash your face with chamomile infusion daily in the morning. Prepare it in advance in a proportion of half a liter of boiling water 100 grams of chamomile flowers. For a greater effect, you can add drops of essential oil to your infusion, which you like. Wash this infusion after it has cooled and do not store it for a long time.

• Against small wrinkles and sagging skin.

Use ice with camomile for face before washing. Prepare a decoction of chamomile, pouring two tablespoons of dried flowers with a glass of boiling water. Let cool, strain and pour into ice tins. Ice can be used twice a day to wipe the face, as well as the neck and neck. Ice with camomile for the face has a tonic effect, tightens the skin.

• With age-related changes.

Mature and aging skin needs additional care. Make a camomile decoction for your face as described above and add some cologne to it. Wipe your skin with such a decoction every evening to open the pores of the face and improve its natural breathing. After using the broth, use your usual nourishing cream.

• For oily and problematic teenage skin.

To solve the problems of teenage skin, it is better to use lotion. We prepare two containers with a decoction (pour two tablespoons of chamomile in a glass of boiling water), add lemon juice to one of them, and cut peels to the other. After an hour, we mix both broths in one bowl, adding one and a half tablespoons of vinegar and two tablespoons of vodka to the resulting lotion. Wipe the skin with the obtained lotion at least once a day.

Every day you can apply warm compresses from chamomile infusion. They expand the pores, promote enhanced nutrition and improve blood circulation.

It is also good to use a mask of chamomile with cottage cheese for problem skin. From chamomile, it is first necessary to prepare mashed potatoes, pour over boiling water and let it swell. Then add cottage cheese to the obtained slurry and apply for a third hour on a previously cleaned face. And if you exclude cottage cheese from the composition, you get a gentle scrub.

• For porous skin.

Pour dried chamomile flowers with vodka in a proportion of 1:10. Let the tincture infuse a week and a half. After that, wipe your face every few days.

To solve this problem, you can also mix chamomile and mint in equal proportions, brew, let cool. The resulting tonic can be washed daily in the morning and evening.

• For all skin types.

Prepare a moisturizing mask from two tablespoons of chamomile, four tablespoons of milk and half a cucumber. Grind the ingredients into the gruel and apply it on your face for a quarter of an hour.

• For cleansing of dead cells.

By mixing crushed chamomile flowers with milk powder, you can get a high-quality delicate scrub for sensitive skin.

Contraindications to the use of chamomile for the face

Chamomile is hypoallergenic. That is why it is often used in baby creams and shampoos. But at the same time, some people have an individual intolerance to some of the substances contained in it. Therefore, before use, apply a compress with chamomile infusion on your wrist or an elbow bend and observe the reaction. If within an hour there were no visible changes and no unpleasant sensations, then the chamomile is safe for you. Before you wipe the face with a camomile, clean it from makeup and dirt.

If you are going to steam your face over a decoction of chamomile, then remember that the steaming procedure itself is contraindicated in cardiovascular diseases, the presence of "stars" on the face, and hypertension.

Carefully use chamomile decoction for the face during pregnancy. During this period, the body can even unexpectedly react to substances familiar to it.

Using chamomile decoction to treat acne, do not squeeze acne and blackheads before applying the decoction. You must remember how to properly wipe the face with a daisy, otherwise the action will be completely opposite.

In the modern world, there is an opinion, heavily fueled by advertising, that good facial cosmetics are not cheap. Chamomile is a universal remedy that you can buy for a penny in a pharmacy, and the effect of its use is worth many branded remedies. Do not neglect this simple but effective means and the result of its use you will notice in a week.


Watch the video: Chamomile Aromatherapy (June 2024).